Justice is best served not by apology but the will of bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Must leart from China execute the perpetrators and there will be No HAZE!!
Justice is best served not by apology but the will of bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Thank You LHL & Najib for getting Yodonono to apoligise for HAZE...
I've no other comment on this subject. No more HAZE is all that matters for me and many others.
You bunch of self-serving politicians better ensure no more HAZE and vested interests in the palm oil plantations.
On another note, my friend's grandmother, whom I reported died due to HAZE has miraculously stood up from coffin and walked home safely and in good health. We're all in rejoice mode and joyous is our hearts, glory to the Lord and God is great. So GREAT. So so GREAT. Hallelujah!!
I think it is more najib than pinky.........
Ah Lee called up Bumbum... ring, ring....
Lee: "Hello, Bumbum? Lee here."
Bum: "What's up man?"
Lee: "Wah lao, your haze kill me lah."
Bum: "Bopian leh, your side, me & Najib all have plantation there."
Lee: "But my side is clean, somemore your guy called me a kid."
Bum: "Aiya, u know, i can't control some CB ministers here."
Lee: "Like that i no face mah."
Bum: "Then tomorrow i apologise to u in a press conerence loh."
Lee: "Ok, then i tell media that u are a sincere leader with integrity."
Bum: "Ha ha ha, the world will praise us as great leaders."
Lee: "Eh, but Najib so quiet, never make noise to u meh?"
Bum: "Najib is shiok with the haze, coz Anwar can't go out to protest."
Lee: "Oh, i see, guess Najib is the only one like the haze."
Bum: "But Lee, my ppl said i acting alot but no real action."
Lee: "Ya loh, my side same, always said white monkey wayang."
Bum: "So i get real action, my police arrested some arsonists."
Lee: "Die lah, caught arsonists involved Singapore plants not?"
Bum: "U don't worry, we arrested 9 families burn rubbish at backyard."
Lee: "Oh, then u can tell media u caught 9 small plantation owners."
Bum: "Alamak, Lee, we think the same lah."
Lee: "Ha ha ha, we are brothers mah."
Bum: "Eh, we talk too long, better hang up now."
Lee: "Ya loh, nowadays USA's ears very big lah. Bye, Bum."
Bum: "Bye....."
***Very soon, media praise these 2 leaders high high to the sky.***
LOL. That's because he is not really so buay song lah.
Goodness me, after all this time and you still don't realise how those two motherfuckers operate?
Hmm... How do these MFs operate?![]()
Seriously, you are not that stupid like some sycophantic gongkias here right?
Surely you are smarter and more observant than they are?
179 hotspots in Riau extinguished by rain: BMKG
the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)’s observatory in Pekanbaru says 179 hotspots have been extinguished after heavy rains hit several regencies in Riau on Tuesday.
“Only 84 hotspots remain in 10 regencies and municipalities in Riau. The number of hotspots once reached 263,” said a BMKG analyst Warih Budi Lestari on Wednesday as quoted by Antara news agency.
Data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that of the total 84 hotspots, most were located in Siak regency, which has 25 spots, followed by Kuantan Singingi with 12 spots.
“Ten hotspots have also been detected in Bengkalis regency, and Indragiri Hulu and Dumai with 7 hotspots each,” said Warih.
The remaining 23 hotspots are located in several other regencies: Indragiri Hilir, Kampar, Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir, and Rokan Hulu.
National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesperson Agus Wibowo said rain-making efforts conducted by the Research and Technology Application Agency (BPPT) were successful in several areas.
Haze Disaster Control Air Taskforce head Col.Andyawan said eight helicopters also helped extinguish fires with water bombs.
“Three helicopters flew to the northern areas, covering Dumai and Bengkalis, while three others extinguished fires in southern areas such as Pelalawan and half of Kampar. The remaining two continue to patrol hotspots,” said Andyawan. (ebf)
moon gazing ... moonlite basking ...