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Another proof that Islam is a fuckup useless religion! Why can't the world see this fucking useless religion for what it really is? If the believer cannot become a better person but instead demand others to change their ways for him to behave better, I find that laughable.
Dear readers, first and foremost, I want to state that I am NOT a Muslim but believes in a GOD.
So in all fairness, please DO NOT condemn Islam as a religion that is bad, in the same way as you will never blame the car driven by a drunk driver resulting in a collision that killed innocent people.
It is the individual that is at fault NO matter what religion he or she professes.
We had bad Buddhist in the former civil war-torn Sri Lanka, where the Janata Vimukti Peramuna (JVP) used Buddhism to kill people of minority faiths.
Lord Buddha was a man of peace and non-violence.
In Dublin we had the Irish Republican Army (IRA) resorting to mass violence.
Can we say that Christianity is a bad religion
The Shiv Sena advocated many anti-Islam, anti-Christians and anti-Sikh acts.
Can we say that Hinduism is no good
The terrorist outfit Babbar Khalsa in troubled Indian Punjab prior to the death of the fiery Sikh preacher Bhindranwale is not to be misunderstood that
Sikhism is a violent religion.
Guru Nanak advocated peace and love for all human-kind.
Zionism is NOT accepted by a majority of adherents of Judaism yet Judaism is blamed for many problems in the Middle East.
No one has the right to use religion as an excuse for something that he/she intend doing or has done.
"A bad workman who blames his tools is a fool"
In this case, the "deeply-religious" minister in Jakarta, is pursuing something and for a purpose (that to him may be a divine calling). By his very act
in banning mini-skirts so that men will not be misled, he is in fact doing a greatest disservice to Islam and its billions of adherents. is in actual fact hurting the adherents of that particular religion that he seems to be protecting. No one knows how many wives / lovers or concubines, he may be having or how many times in the past he may have ravaged many a young virgin damsel.
His "mission" may succeed in Sumatra or Java (just examples) but is it possible to ensure its success in the Indonesian Province of Irian Jaya where there is a a Free Papua Movement separatists group spearheading for a complete break-away from Jakarta just like the former East Timorese Fretilin.
Can he prevent or put a stop to males in this region from going naked except for a "koteka" that covers their male genitalia.
Can he force female civil servants from other provinces working in that region to be blindfolded always so that they do not see these naked natives with their long "kotekas".
What about the male counter-parts. How is he going to ensure that they do not look at topless females, which too is a norm In Irian Jaya.
Can he do the same in predominantly Hindu Bali or for that matter a predominantly Christian Sulawesi Province.
In my opinion, this man is a liability to the government of Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono.
The President is doing a good job and these are the men that make the people go against followers of the Ahmadiya community whom they brand as a sect.
Had Suharto been around, Abu Bakar Bashir would not have made a "triumphant return" to Jakarta where he openly set up the Jemaah Islamiah that brought along "truly-religious and devout" people from Malaysia and other parts of the world to become jihadists and wage a holy war for a new Islamic Caliphate in Indonesia.
Ayatollah Khomeini too came back triumphantly to Mehrabad Airport and the Shah Reza Pahlavi exited Iran. What happened?
It is people like this that cause the minorities in other Provinces to rise against the Indonesian government. Their action may make the people of Bali, Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian Jaya rise against the government in Jakarta one day.
Has he forgotten that they have already lost East Timor, Simpadan and Ligitan Islands. Are they waiting for Anambas to go too?
Muslims, by and large are very intelligent and peaceful people. They know the difference between a temple, church and mosque.
They should not always be led by such "deeply-religious" people. Let them choose the dress that they want. At the end of the day, they are answerable to GOD for their actions or inactions.
Take a look at Malaysians. They discarded their wonderful sarong-kebaya in place of baju-kurong. This later led to hijab Iran and now many are veiled like the Middle-Eastern Arabs. But are the Arabs following them in the Malay attire. The answer is NO. Arabs are proud of their culture and attire.
Sarong-kebaya is now synonymous with Singapore Airlines. An intelligent Italian designer took it and made it into an international icon.
I have been to Indonesia many times and find the people very patriotic of the "merah-putih" (red and white flag of Sukarno). They are a world of difference from the disunited communities in Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak.
Show such stupid and irresponsible the door. They are all liabilities..