More about my ex colleague mudlander Indian SPR. She was a secretary of my ex-boss GM and run the office like she is the boss. Everybody kissed her ass from finance to ex HR manager to operation staff. My ex-boss - btw there are two ex bosses here - one is L the bochap GM - the one who asked her to apologise to me. The other one is M the new ex-boss who take over from L three years later. M is a chap cheng who buddy buddy with this mudlander indian spr and hired more indians into the company.
Due to L weak management for years like letting a secretary become king in office, the company run into long list of high risk audit issues. Of course lah with no control and my predesessors finance manager having difficulty getting the finance staff to work properly with this secretary interfering and controlling the finance staff. So when my ex-boss L finally get warning from HQ with these high risk audit items highlighted by auditors, naturally he was scared and finally wake up to ask this secretary to stop her nonsense and apologise to me, who just took over the job at that time. So that is the background of all the nonsense from this mudlander Indian SPR. If you never work in such messy companies, don't assume such companies and horrid secretary don't exist.
This mudlander is so ambitious and horrible to make things difficult for the HR manager to get him to leave so that she promoted to HR manager when she is not qualified as per the ex HR manager said. And this mudlander Indian SPR kept pushing me to hire Indian accountants and made things difficult for me by not advertising properly to do the recruitment. I did my part to insist recruiting Spore accountant but have to settle for a low quality lousy one due to lack of candidates.
So now you know the story and there are so many EX in this shit company. Ex finance manager ex HR manager ex boss L who left. Who said people who left are no good? Only slanderers like Mudlander shit semaj2357.