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India citizens very angry



syed putra

When will Kazakhstan close their border with china? That will screw the belt and road rail to europe.


the main opposition the congress who rule in India for 60 years, grilling Modi

Chinese attack in Galwan pre-planned, government was fast asleep: Rahul Gandhi
India Newzstreet Media19 June 2020, 4:57 pm GMT+8
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday launched another attack on the Indian government over the face-off between the Indian and Chinese soldiers in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed. Gandhi said it is now clear that the Chinese attack in Galwan valley in Ladakh was "pre-planned" and that the government was "fast asleep" while the martyred jawans paid the price.


Indian MPs demand government take revenge on China after photographs emerge of spiked club used in clash
Joe Wallen
The Telegraph18 June 2020, 7:44 pm GMT+8
Indian army sources said images of the alleged weapons were genuine - @ajaishukla

Indian army sources said images of the alleged weapons were genuine - @ajaishukla
Indian MPs on Thursday demanded the government take revenge on China amid a wave of public fury over Chinese troops’ use of nail-studded rods in the lethal border clash earlier this week.
On Monday night Chinese troops ambushed an unarmed Indian patrol in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, a piece of contested territory China had allegedly agreed to withdraw its forces from.


Col. Santosh Babu's Funeral: Family, Friends Bid Teary Farewell
News1818 June 2020, 7:26 pm GMT+8
A pall of gloom descended over the family and relatives of Colonel Bikkumalla Santosh Babu, who was martyred in the Galwan Valley clashes with Chinese troops, as they paid their last respects. The emotionally charged crowd holding national flags raised slogans of "Santosh Babu amar hai" as the tricolour-wrapped coffin was brought out of the ambulance by the army personnel. The body was flown from the national capital in a special aircraft to Hakimpet Air force base near Hyderabad at 08:00 pm. Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan and Telangana IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao were among those who paid their last respects at the airport station before the mortal remains were brought to his hometown Suryapet.

An Indian army officer pays tribute to Colonel B. Santosh Babu during his funeral in Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indian army soldiers pay tributes during the funeral of Colonel B. Santosh Babu at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

B. Upender performs the final rites of his son B. Santosh Babu at Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)


A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

B. Upender, father of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu, performs last rites of his son at their home town at Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Santoshi wife of Indian Army Colonel B. Santosh Babu, mourns after receiving the uniform and National flag during the last rites ceremony at their home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Santoshi, wife of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu, and her son salute during the last rites of her husband at their home town at Suryapet, in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)


People join in a funeral procession of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu in Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Santoshi, wife of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu, with her son gestures during the last rites off her husband at their home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Santoshi wife of Colonel B. Santosh Babu, with her son performs rituals during the last rites of her husband at their home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indian army officers walk across during the funeral of their colleague Colonel B. Santosh Babu, at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Family members mourn during the funeral of Colonel B. Santosh Babu, at their home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indians participate in a funeral procession of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu in Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Santoshi mourns by the coffin of her husband Colonel B. Santosh Babu during a funeral at their home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indian army soldiers and family members pay tribute to Colonel B. Santosh Babu during a funeral at his home town at Suryapet in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indian army officers carry the coffin of Colonel B. Santosh Babu for his funeral in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

People gathered chant slogans during the funeral of Colonel B. Santosh Babu in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

Indian army officers and family members pay tribute to Colonel B. Santosh Babu during his funeral in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, in Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

People shower flower petals on a truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)

B. Upender weeps by the coffin of his son Colonel B. Santosh Babu in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (Image: AP)

A truck carrying the coffin of Indian army officer Colonel B. Santosh Babu arrives in Suryapet, Hyderabad. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)


Military Digest: Standing Up to Chinese Aggression
What intelligence inputs were available and more importantly disseminated to the troops on the ground regarding Chinese intentions and whether they were armed or not?

Indian and Chinese troops in happier times, celebrating the new year at Bum la in Arunachal Pradesh.

I write these words with a great deal of sorrow. Sadness at the thought of no less than twenty young men, men of promise and true to their oath wilfully sacrificed at the altar of some nebulous belief that the Chinese would once in a while play by the rules. A forlorn hope if there ever was one!
My desolation at the loss of so many Jawans is mixed with a great deal of anger. Both emotions are shared by the rest of the country. My angst gives rise to a number of questions chief among them being – why did our soldiers go to confront the Chinese unarmed? I know there’s a protocol dating back to 1996 whereby the two sides have agreed to exercise restraint and not open fire.
But this wasn’t patrolling. Colonel Santosh Babu’s battalion, 16 Bihar and the rest of 81 Mountain Brigade were manning frontline defences. It is now certain that the Colonel and his party were lured into a trap through a ruse. The clash wasn’t the result of a momentary lapse of control or triggered by a grave provocation.
It was a pre-mediated trap laid by the wily Chinese bent upon creating a critical situation. Under orders and acting in good faith the unsuspecting Indian soldiers walked right into it.

It’s not as if Indian soldiers remained unarmed and defenceless al this while. They never took chances. It’s an absolute truism that Indian soldiers, unlike our gullible politicians never trusted the Chinese. With good reason – there’s a long history of betrayals stretching all the way back to the mid-50s.
Unofficially, our soldiers were always prepared. Machine-carbines, pistols, grenades even bayonets and Khukris were always surreptitiously carried within voluminous clothing. The Jawans had the confidence that they could take on the ruthless Chinese any time. The very specific orders to remain totally unarmed in the Galwan Valley stand-off must’ve come from very high up the chain of command.

What intelligence inputs were available and more importantly disseminated to the troops on the ground regarding Chinese intentions and whether they were armed or not? Were any unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployed to gather information about the Chinese deployment in the area?
This was an all-important force multiplier since a small force of unarmed soldiers was to check whether the Chinese had indeed withdrawn from a disputed point. Inadequate budget and the notorious defence procurement process have meant that the planned network-centric warfare is pretty elementary.
Did the political hierarchy’s bid to project a hunky-dory situation put unnecessary, added weight on local commanders to throw caution to the winds? In such situations it is not unknown for South Block’s impatience to result in troops paying the ultimate price.
Our higher commanders in this instance and commanders at the level of brigade and battalion have been interacting with their counterparts regularly. How difficult would it have been to estimate their intentions?
The unprecedented Chinese troop build-up and vigorous information warfare offensive should’ve warned us that they were likely to stage an incident. Warnings had been imparted by certain knowledgeable China-watchers and analysts.
These were not only given the go-bye but these worthies acting out of a sense of patriotism themselves became the targets of an unethical campaign of calumny.
One aspect of the clash particularly worries me. The govt’s spin doctors have put out that many of our Jawans died because the extremely low temperature exacerbated their injuries or because of hypothermia after falling into the Galwan river.
Was no provision made for medical treatment beyond first-aid in the field or evacuation of casualties to base hospitals? Certainly, something to ponder over and take the necessary remedial measures. What was the force level deployed in the area? It strikes me as curious that elements of three infantry battalions and two artillery regiments should’ve been involved yet the Chinese seem to have out-numbered them.
Lastly, why were we in denial for so long? Why the constant, repugnant effort to placate the intractable Chinese? For example, the defence minister’s very first statement made a month after the intrusions started to the effect that ‘the Chinese had come in sizeable numbers along (rather than across) the Line of Actual Control. It could only have served but to embolden Chinese belligerence.
Immediate Options in Ladakh
The ground situation in Ladakh currently is that the Chinese have created an incident to humiliate India and are in occupation of three tracts of our land with an area of approximately 40-60 km. These are in the Galwan Valley, Hot Springs and the Fingers Area across the Pangong Tso lake.
The encroachment in the Galwan River Valley sitting as the Chinese now are on commanding heights is a very dangerous development. They can now dominate the strategically important Darbuk-Shyok-Daulet Beg Oldi road in the manner that the Pakistanis sought to do with the Srinagar-Leh highway in 1999.
What options are available to us for immediate operations to restore the status quo and evict the Chinese? First, let us consider the force that we have available to us for defensive and offensive purposes in Ladakh.
XIV (Fire and Fury) Corps is responsible for the whole of Ladakh region including both northern fronts encompassing the areas along the Line of Control in Dras-Kargil and the Actual Ground Position along the Saltoro Range in Siachen both facing Pakistani forces. Immediately available to the formation for defensive operations on the front towards China is the now full strength 3 Infantry (Trishul) Division.
There are any number of trained formations available from within both Northern Command and Army HQ reserves to reinforce XIV Corps. They will take some time however to arrive and acclimatize.
On the PLA (Chinese) side, the commander, Xinjiang Military Region has three+ combined-arms brigades consisting of straight-leg infantry, armour and mechanized infantry supported by artillery and air elements including armed helicopters.
An air mobile mechanized brigade was shown very visibly to have been airlifted from central China into Hotan and Ngari Gunsa airbases with great fanfare between 4th and 6th of June. The undue publicity was obviously intended to create a psychological effect on the Indians.
Most combat-ready elements of two Group Armies under Western Theatre Command are at operational readiness. They may have already staged forward from Chongqing and Xinin to operate in support of the Tibet Military District.
A formidable force if we disregard the PLA’s lack of combat experience, effect on it of the one-child norm, poor morale and education and low wages. All these factors result in poor human resources. The man behind the PLA gun does not seem to be the best.
We can exercise any of three options: block any further advance with defensive positions and wait (leading to negotiations), launch a limited offensive to oust the intruders or use our offensive capability to occupy Chinese territory and swap that for territory that we lost to them.
We do have a sizeable offensive capability with the potential for inducting reserve formations leading to an enhanced, formidable force level.
The defensive, blocking option might not appear very attractive but could be viable if coupled with psyops and incursions by special forces to cause attrition and enhance disruption. Occupying Chinese enclaves and posing a threat to their vulnerable lines of communication and logistics would have the effect of bringing the Chinese speedily to the negotiating table.
Once again, I must strongly reiterate the need to discard a purely or largely defensive mindset. Nothing upsets Beijing as much as losing territory, personnel and being subjected to persistent and visible attrition. Even the threat of offensive action upsets them.
For far too long have we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the 1962 syndrome. It’s high time we learnt to stand up for ourselves. In other words, finish raising the first mountain strike corps and start raising the second.

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Indian MPs demand government take revenge on China after photographs emerge of spiked club used in clash
Joe Wallen
The Telegraph18 June 2020, 7:44 pm GMT+8
Indian army sources said images of the alleged weapons were genuine - @ajaishukla

Indian army sources said images of the alleged weapons were genuine - @ajaishukla
Indian MPs on Thursday demanded the government take revenge on China amid a wave of public fury over Chinese troops’ use of nail-studded rods in the lethal border clash earlier this week.
On Monday night Chinese troops ambushed an unarmed Indian patrol in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, a piece of contested territory China had allegedly agreed to withdraw its forces from.
with those clubs, that means the attack was pre-planned.


Military Digest: Standing Up to Chinese Aggression
What intelligence inputs were available and more importantly disseminated to the troops on the ground regarding Chinese intentions and whether they were armed or not?

Indian and Chinese troops in happier times, celebrating the new year at Bum la in Arunachal Pradesh.

I write these words with a great deal of sorrow. Sadness at the thought of no less than twenty young men, men of promise and true to their oath wilfully sacrificed at the altar of some nebulous belief that the Chinese would once in a while play by the rules. A forlorn hope if there ever was one!
My desolation at the loss of so many Jawans is mixed with a great deal of anger. Both emotions are shared by the rest of the country. My angst gives rise to a number of questions chief among them being – why did our soldiers go to confront the Chinese unarmed? I know there’s a protocol dating back to 1996 whereby the two sides have agreed to exercise restraint and not open fire.
But this wasn’t patrolling. Colonel Santosh Babu’s battalion, 16 Bihar and the rest of 81 Mountain Brigade were manning frontline defences. It is now certain that the Colonel and his party were lured into a trap through a ruse. The clash wasn’t the result of a momentary lapse of control or triggered by a grave provocation.
It was a pre-mediated trap laid by the wily Chinese bent upon creating a critical situation. Under orders and acting in good faith the unsuspecting Indian soldiers walked right into it.

It’s not as if Indian soldiers remained unarmed and defenceless al this while. They never took chances. It’s an absolute truism that Indian soldiers, unlike our gullible politicians never trusted the Chinese. With good reason – there’s a long history of betrayals stretching all the way back to the mid-50s.
Unofficially, our soldiers were always prepared. Machine-carbines, pistols, grenades even bayonets and Khukris were always surreptitiously carried within voluminous clothing. The Jawans had the confidence that they could take on the ruthless Chinese any time. The very specific orders to remain totally unarmed in the Galwan Valley stand-off must’ve come from very high up the chain of command.

What intelligence inputs were available and more importantly disseminated to the troops on the ground regarding Chinese intentions and whether they were armed or not? Were any unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployed to gather information about the Chinese deployment in the area?
This was an all-important force multiplier since a small force of unarmed soldiers was to check whether the Chinese had indeed withdrawn from a disputed point. Inadequate budget and the notorious defence procurement process have meant that the planned network-centric warfare is pretty elementary.
Did the political hierarchy’s bid to project a hunky-dory situation put unnecessary, added weight on local commanders to throw caution to the winds? In such situations it is not unknown for South Block’s impatience to result in troops paying the ultimate price.
Our higher commanders in this instance and commanders at the level of brigade and battalion have been interacting with their counterparts regularly. How difficult would it have been to estimate their intentions?
The unprecedented Chinese troop build-up and vigorous information warfare offensive should’ve warned us that they were likely to stage an incident. Warnings had been imparted by certain knowledgeable China-watchers and analysts.
These were not only given the go-bye but these worthies acting out of a sense of patriotism themselves became the targets of an unethical campaign of calumny.
One aspect of the clash particularly worries me. The govt’s spin doctors have put out that many of our Jawans died because the extremely low temperature exacerbated their injuries or because of hypothermia after falling into the Galwan river.
Was no provision made for medical treatment beyond first-aid in the field or evacuation of casualties to base hospitals? Certainly, something to ponder over and take the necessary remedial measures. What was the force level deployed in the area? It strikes me as curious that elements of three infantry battalions and two artillery regiments should’ve been involved yet the Chinese seem to have out-numbered them.
Lastly, why were we in denial for so long? Why the constant, repugnant effort to placate the intractable Chinese? For example, the defence minister’s very first statement made a month after the intrusions started to the effect that ‘the Chinese had come in sizeable numbers along (rather than across) the Line of Actual Control. It could only have served but to embolden Chinese belligerence.
Immediate Options in Ladakh
The ground situation in Ladakh currently is that the Chinese have created an incident to humiliate India and are in occupation of three tracts of our land with an area of approximately 40-60 km. These are in the Galwan Valley, Hot Springs and the Fingers Area across the Pangong Tso lake.
The encroachment in the Galwan River Valley sitting as the Chinese now are on commanding heights is a very dangerous development. They can now dominate the strategically important Darbuk-Shyok-Daulet Beg Oldi road in the manner that the Pakistanis sought to do with the Srinagar-Leh highway in 1999.
What options are available to us for immediate operations to restore the status quo and evict the Chinese? First, let us consider the force that we have available to us for defensive and offensive purposes in Ladakh.
XIV (Fire and Fury) Corps is responsible for the whole of Ladakh region including both northern fronts encompassing the areas along the Line of Control in Dras-Kargil and the Actual Ground Position along the Saltoro Range in Siachen both facing Pakistani forces. Immediately available to the formation for defensive operations on the front towards China is the now full strength 3 Infantry (Trishul) Division.
There are any number of trained formations available from within both Northern Command and Army HQ reserves to reinforce XIV Corps. They will take some time however to arrive and acclimatize.
On the PLA (Chinese) side, the commander, Xinjiang Military Region has three+ combined-arms brigades consisting of straight-leg infantry, armour and mechanized infantry supported by artillery and air elements including armed helicopters.
An air mobile mechanized brigade was shown very visibly to have been airlifted from central China into Hotan and Ngari Gunsa airbases with great fanfare between 4th and 6th of June. The undue publicity was obviously intended to create a psychological effect on the Indians.
Most combat-ready elements of two Group Armies under Western Theatre Command are at operational readiness. They may have already staged forward from Chongqing and Xinin to operate in support of the Tibet Military District.
A formidable force if we disregard the PLA’s lack of combat experience, effect on it of the one-child norm, poor morale and education and low wages. All these factors result in poor human resources. The man behind the PLA gun does not seem to be the best.
We can exercise any of three options: block any further advance with defensive positions and wait (leading to negotiations), launch a limited offensive to oust the intruders or use our offensive capability to occupy Chinese territory and swap that for territory that we lost to them.
We do have a sizeable offensive capability with the potential for inducting reserve formations leading to an enhanced, formidable force level.
The defensive, blocking option might not appear very attractive but could be viable if coupled with psyops and incursions by special forces to cause attrition and enhance disruption. Occupying Chinese enclaves and posing a threat to their vulnerable lines of communication and logistics would have the effect of bringing the Chinese speedily to the negotiating table.
Once again, I must strongly reiterate the need to discard a purely or largely defensive mindset. Nothing upsets Beijing as much as losing territory, personnel and being subjected to persistent and visible attrition. Even the threat of offensive action upsets them.
For far too long have we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the 1962 syndrome. It’s high time we learnt to stand up for ourselves. In other words, finish raising the first mountain strike corps and start raising the second.

The Indian Express is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@indianexpress) and stay updated with the latest headlines
For all the latest India News, download Indian Express App.

* The moderation of comments is automated and not cleared manually by indianexpress.com.


Copyright © 2020 The Indian Express [P] Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Drama mama sia this ah neh! :laugh:


Old Fart
I am not a fan of shitskin and rapeland, but I prefer them any day over the CCP chinks. So go India go!! :thumbsup:



Don't Allow Chinese Investments in Infra Sector, Mamata Tells Centre at All-party Meet on LAC Clashes

19 June 2020, 11:29 pm GMT+8
Don't Allow Chinese Investments in Infra Sector, Mamata Tells Centre at All-party Meet on LAC Clashes

Don't Allow Chinese Investments in Infra Sector, Mamata Tells Centre at All-party Meet on LAC Clashes
Brushing aside differences, different political parties in West Bengal, including the ruling TMC, expressed support to the Centre after the all-party meeting convened to discuss India-China stand-off in Galwan Valley of Ladakh.
West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, who took part in the virtual meeting via videoconference, had earlier said her party's official stand has always been to stand by the nation when it comes to cross-border conflicts.
"An all-party meeting is a good message for the nation. It shows that we are united behind our jawans. Trinamool Congress strongly stands in solidarity with the government. We will not talk about anything that sends out a wrong message. We will raise queries internally only. We will not bow down to China," Banerjee is believed to have said during the meeting.

According to government sources, the West Bengal CM opposed China's move to enter different sectors.
"Don't let China enter the telecom sector, railways, and civil aviation. We will face some problems but we won't allow the Chinese to enter. China is not a democracy. They are a dictatorship. They can do what they feel. We on the other hand have to work together," she said, adding that India will win, and China will lose.
Urging the nation to speak in unison, think in unison and work in unison, Banerjee said that her party is always with the country.
"We stand in solidarity with the government," she said, according to sources.
Earlier, the Trinamool chief had said her party does not speak about matters relating to foreign matters.
"Let the government of India decide how they want to deal with the situation," she had said during a press conference on Wednesday evening at the state Secretariat Nabanno.
Senior Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Md. Salim also echoed the views: "It is one nation and we need to stand united at this time. Political differences are immaterial when it comes to any external affairs and cross-border issues."
Salim said that political parties can always put questions to the government later but not in an all-party meeting on such grave border conflict that has taken place in Ladakh.