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indeed it WAS ISIS's first attack inside the USA, huat?



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San Bernardino attacker pledged allegiance to Islamic State leader, officials say
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By Adam Goldman, Mark Berman and Joel Achenbach December 4 at 11:25 AM
Play Video3:21San Bernardino police chief: 12 pipe bombs found in attackers' home
Police in San Bernardino, Calif., held a news conference about the ongoing investigation into the mass shooting that occurred at a county holiday party on Wednesday. An investigation into the shooters' home uncovered 12 pipe bombs in the building. (Reuters)
One of the two people involved in the San Bernardino attack that killed 14 people pledged allegiance to the leader of the Islamic State, the clearest indication yet that this was an act of terrorism, according to two law enforcement officials.

The officials said Tashfeen Malik, 27, the Pakistani wife of the other shooter, made the statement on a Facebook page. It’s not immediately clear when she posted the declaration referring to*Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the emir of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, the terrorist group that says it has established a caliphate in Syria and Iraq.

The two attackers sought to cover their tracks by damaging some personal electronic devices, a senior U.S. law enforcement official said Friday as investigators struggled to learn what prompted the rampage that claimed 14 lives.

[After Paris and California attacks, U.S. Muslims feel intense backlash]

Since the massacre Wednesday — which also wounded 21 people — officials have scrambled to determine whether they were looking at a terrorist attack or an extremely unusual and lethal case of workplace violence. They have also revealed that*the attackers had amassed an arsenal of explosives and ammunition, suggesting the possibility of further violence.

Police said they had found a number of items — including thumb drives, computers and cellphones — that were being analyzed to investigate the couple’s digital trail.

However, the senior law enforcement official said Friday that*the attackers sought to destroy some of the*devices. Some were*smashed into little pieces, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

The official did not elaborate Friday on the specific types of devices that were destroyed. But because some of the items recovered by law enforcement were broken up into pieces, it was unclear how much could be recovered from the devices themselves, the official said.

The FBI is still trying to determine when the devices were smashed and has not concluded if they were damaged before the shooting or during the hours between the massacre in San Bernardino and the shootout with police later that same day that killed both attackers.

Police have identified the shooters as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, a county health worker born in Chicago, and Malik, who was in the United States on a visa.

The Islamic State, a group that has claimed responsibility for lat month’s massacre in Paris and other attacks, does not appear so far to have claimed the San Bernardino attacks, raising questions about whether the California attack was inspired by the group or directed*in some way.

The young husband and wife*had a daughter just six months ago and, in the days after the attack,*investigators found no outward sign of Islamist radicalization, psychological distress or a desire for mayhem.*Farhan Khan, the brother-in-law of one of the attackers, told NBC News that he was beginning the legal process to adopt the couple’s daughter.

Authorities still believe the plot was limited to the two attackers, the senior law enforcement official said, but they are still investigating whether anyone else had any knowledge of the attack.

[‘I’ll take a bullet before you do': Scenes from the San Bernardino shooting]

The official said the FBI was*perplexed in the days after the attack and was still searching for clues that*would indicate radicalization on the part of either one.

This official also*said the attack in San Bernardino evoked the mass shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn., earlier this year, when 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire at an armed forces recruiting center and a Navy Reserve center, killing five people. In that case, the official pointed out, it took days for the FBI to sort out what had happened, and some questions remain unanswered.

The FBI, which has authority to investigate potential terrorism, said*Thursday that it had taken over the investigation, as authorities carefully picked*through three crime scenes: the Inland Regional Center, where the mass shooting occurred; the San Bernardino street where the couple died in the gun battle with police; and the couple’s rented home in Redlands, Calif., where robots helped investigators root out an arsenal of pipe bombs and thousands of bullets.

Play Video2:01What we know about the San Bernardino attackers
After the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday that left 14 people dead, details are starting to emerge about the two shooters. Here's what we know about Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik. (The Washington Post)
Some evidence collected in California was flown across the country on Thursday so that the FBI could examine it in its lab,*David Bow*dich, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, said at a news conference.

“We’re hoping some of that digital media … will help us,” he said.

The FBI’s Operational Technology Division in Quantico, Va., has units that can try to retrieve data from smashed, burned and damaged devices, including cellphones, hard drives and flash drives.

A computer analysis team there can look to pull*call records, pictures, GPS location data, address book information and other data from the devices, while a forensic analysis unit*tries to restore and enhance audio and visual data. Any data that is pulled would go to analysts in the various units investigating the shooting.

Farook, who had a college degree in environmental health and a steady job as a health inspector, traveled to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan last year and returned with Malik, whom he had met online. They were married in the United States, police said.

Authorities have said the two were not on any watch lists. A senior U.S. law enforcement official said that Farook was in contact with persons of interest with possible ties to terrorism but that these were not “substantial” contacts.

Farook’s supervisor, Amanda Adair, who also went to college with him at California State University at San Bernardino, said he “got along with everybody, but he kept his distance.” She said that she “can’t imagine [the shooting] was about work” and that she had no inkling that Farook had the capacity for such violence.

Without a firmly established motive, authorities had previously said that they could not determine whether they were dealing with terrorists, a disgruntled worker who had enlisted his wife in his cause, or some kind of hybrid of those two scenarios.

The case did not initially*fit any familiar template. If it was terrorism, why would the shooters target co-workers in a small city that many Americans couldn’t find on a map, rather than some more spectacular target? If it was workplace violence, why build up an arsenal of bullets and pipe bombs?

[“I’ve never witnessed something so sad in my life': Stories of the San Bernardino victims]

“It is possible this was terrorist-related, but we don’t know,” President Obama said Thursday in somber remarks in the Oval Office. “It is also possible this was workplace-related.”

Mark Pitcavage, director of the Center on Extremism for the Anti-Defamation League, said that “based on what is known now about the case, it certainly is unusual and does not fit neatly into any of the traditional models of violence that we’re familiar with.”

Police said Farook and Malik were dressed in tactical gear and armed with rifles, handguns and multiple ammunition magazines when, at about 11 a.m., they strode into a conference room where about 80 people were gathered for a staff training session that was transitioning into a holiday party.

They opened fire, spraying 65 to 75 rounds and hitting more than a third of the people. A bullet struck a sprinkler head, and the sprinklers began soaking the room as the fire alarms went off. The shooters fled in a rented black Ford Expedition, leaving behind a bag with three pipe bombs designed to be triggered with a remote-control device from the SUV. The device malfunctioned.

San Bernardino police Lt. Mike Madden, the first law enforcement officer to arrive at the center, described the fresh scent of gunpowder and a horrifying scene for which years of training had not fully prepared him.

“The situation was surreal,” Madden said Thursday. “It was unspeakable, the carnage we were seeing.”

DMV photo of*Syed Farook.
Farook had been with his colleagues at the party earlier in the morning, police said. Authorities could not say conclusively whether there had been a dispute that led Farook to leave the party. But police said a survivor of the shooting told them that Farook slipped away before the massacre.

That tip led police to check Farook’s name, which led to the discovery that he had rented an SUV that matched the description of the getaway car.

Soon, authorities were staking out the couple’s home in Redlands, a suburb 15 minutes to the east. Several hours after the shooting, the SUV rolled by and then sped away, and police chased it.

The SUV stopped on San Bernardino Avenue, a few miles from the massacre. Cellphone videos captured the furious gun battle that followed. Police said the couple fired 76 rifle rounds; police fired 380.

Farook and Malik died at the scene. Two officers were injured, but the wounds were not life-threatening. A third person detained after the shootout was determined to have no involvement in the case.

The SUV, so riddled with bullets that it looked as if it had been hit with a bomb, was due back at the rental agency that day, police said.

Police found more than 1,600 rounds of ammunition on or near the couple, suggesting that they were prepared for a long siege. Police recovered two assault rifles and two 9mm pistols, all legally purchased, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Two of the weapons were traced to one of the assailants, said Dannette Seward, an ATF spokeswoman, while the other two were traced to another person who has not been publicly identified.

[The striking difference between the San Bernardino suspects and other mass shooters]

“The FBI is chasing down any contacts these two may have had and whether those contacts are indicative of radicalization or external plotting or are purely incidental,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.

The congressman said the shooting did not appear to be “an act of spontaneous workplace violence.” But, he said, it could have been the culmination of a longer-term grievance.

“There appears to be a degree of planning that went into this,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said. “Nobody just gets upset at a party, goes home and puts together that kind of elaborate scheme or plan.”

[Hours before San Bernardino shooting, doctors urged Congress to lift funding ban on gun violence research]

At a morning news conference, authorities said they had gathered a number of items that were being analyzed to investigate the couple’s digital trail, including thumb drives, computers and cellphones. But the two had left behind remarkably little in the way of a digital record — no apparent criminal record, no Facebook page, no Twitter account.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, co-workers who knew Farook described him as a quiet, polite man who held no obvious grudges* against people in the office. The office had recently held a shower for the couple’s baby, and the two seemed to be “living the American Dream,” Patrick Baccari, a fellow inspector who shared a cubicle with Farook, told the Times.

[It is incredibly rare for there to be multiple mass shooters — or for them to be women]

A number of families in this city were shattered by Wednesday’s violence. On Thursday, officials released the names of the 14 people slain at the holiday party. The eight men and six women ranged in age from 26 to 60. One ran the coffee shop in the building. Twelve of the 14 were county employees.

Shaken, too, were Muslims in Southern California. At the Islamic Society of Corona-Norco, Ray Abboud said Muslims were horrified by the shooting. He said he fears people will paint Muslims with one brush.

“It breaks our hearts to see 14 people die,” Abboud said. “We feel sorry for everything that happened, but we can’t blame ourselves for being Muslim.”

He said people in the community were keeping a close watch on their children “to make sure they don’t fall into any crazy stuff.”


What the shooting scene, manhunt and search for evidence in San Bernardino looks like
View Photos Two suspects have been killed in a confrontation with police after a shooting at a nonprofit facility that left at least 14 dead.
Freelance writers Martha Groves and William Dauber*in San Bernardino, staff writers Missy Ryan and Eli Saslow in San Bernardino and staff writers Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller, Brian Murphy, Lindsey Bever, Niraj Chokshi, Ann Gerhart, Sari Horwitz, Elahe Izadi, Wesley Lowery, Eli Saslow, Kevin Sullivan, Julie Tate, Justin Wm. Moyer, Yanan Wang, Sarah Kaplan and Alice Crites in Washington contributed to this report.

[This story has been updated. First published: 9:42 a.m.]

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Americans asking for it. They are also opening their doors to thousands of Syrians.

US: Opening the door to thousands of Syrians
President Obama says 10,000 vulnerable Syrians will be welcomed, but critics say it's far from enough.

Make America Great Again — And Open Our Doors to Syrian Refugees
A Republican loyalist calls out her own party on America's tepid response to the refugee crisis.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Boh virgin since 2001 when they got 911.

whole thing is staged,like a fake "pearl harbour",the whole thing about war in middle east is OIL nothing more,everything else is just bullshit and propaganda.why go to such extremes and lengths to create such a huge mess?when ur country uses twenty two million barrels of oil a day or 7 billion barrels a year,anything can be justified.in the end paper money is worthless,resources is all that matters,u need military power to secure resources.singapore without water will suffocate in weeks.


whole thing is staged,like a fake "pearl harbour",the whole thing about war in middle east is OIL nothing more,everything else is just bullshit and propaganda.why go to such extremes and lengths to create such a huge mess?when ur country uses twenty two million barrels of oil a day or 7 billion barrels a year,anything can be justified.in the end paper money is worthless,resources is all that matters,u need military power to secure resources.singapore without water will suffocate in weeks.

US and it's worshipers always had childish denials of defeats and attacked it suffered and try to desperately explain it was all done by themselves to achieve something else. The fact is USA is weak useless and stupid, and always got fucked and failed, but this fact make the cowards feel insecure without MIGHTY PROTECTION from the useless cunt USA.


Alfrescian (Inf)
muslim indian aka PAKI is everywhere, with the internet full of material where they can become isis themselves, a matter of time we get one.


US and it's worshipers always had childish denials of defeats and attacked it suffered and try to desperately explain it was all done by themselves to achieve something else. The fact is USA is weak useless and stupid, and always got fucked and failed, but this fact make the cowards feel insecure without MIGHTY PROTECTION from the useless cunt USA.

Only the Satanic worshiping Muzzis are losers and deny their defeats. These bastards are a cancer of humanity who have problem telling the truth. These demons kill each other all over the world but blame the arms dealers, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and climate change but never blame themselves for following the foosteps of a serial rapist warlord Pedo Mo. How fucking convenient.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Only the Satanic worshiping Muzzis are losers and deny their defeats. These bastards are a cancer of humanity who have problem telling the truth. These demons kill each other all over the world but blame the arms dealers, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and climate change but never blame themselves for following the foosteps of a serial rapist warlord Pedo Mo. How fucking convenient.

at the end of the day ask urself who was it that unleashed the whole muslim problem onto the rest of us and the whole world?Fucking USA and the fucking jews in Israel,who created this whole mess?fucking israel and USA.Muslim and terrorist is none of our business and none of our problem,it was the fucking american and israeli pricks that dragged us into this mess.before the 1980s there was no such thing as taliban,al qaeda or isis,all these bullshit was created by the USA.

open ur bloody eyes,u keep blaming things on the rooks and the pawns and u totally miss who is behind the scenes controlling things and pulling strings.those terrorists are irrelevant,they are merely soldiers,grunts following orders,who is controlling them all?just like the US marines and army and vietnam soldiers,u think they are there to protect freedom,protect democracy and serve a higher cause,they are merely following the orders and wishes of their masters.
Last edited:


at the end of the day ask urself who was it that unleashed the whole muslim problem onto the rest of us and the whole world?Fucking USA and the fucking jews in Israel,who created this whole mess?fucking israel and USA.Muslim and terrorist is none of our business and none of our problem,it was the fucking american and israeli pricks that dragged us into this mess.before the 1980s there was no such thing as taliban,al qaeda or isis,all these bullshit was created by the USA.

Once upon a time there was a sick bastard that was possessed by Satan himself into thinking he was a prophet. This sick bastard went around the arabian desert raping, enslaving, mass murdering, looting beheading, terrorizing, kidnapping and collected protection money from some and forced converted others while enslaving young girls and women as sex slaves. This was when the Muslim problem was unleashed into this world. Long before there was USA and long before there was Israel anything else you can blame hor. Go fuck your Satanic self-professed Pedo Mo.

Although Muslims are required to be truthful with each other, Muhammad did approve of lying in cases where doing so advanced the cause of Islam, either in war or peace. His famous statement that “War is deceit” is found in Bukhari 52:269 and elsewhere. It is perfectly acceptable for a Muslim to deceive an enemy in order to gain power.

This applies not only in war, but also when it comes to assassinating enemies of Islam. Muhammad gave permission for Muslims to lie in order to draw out those who spoke against the "Religion of Peace" from their places of refuge so that they might be killed for expressing their discontent. This was the case with the murder of Ka’b al-Ashraf, who had composed derogatory poems about Muslim women:

Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Ka'b). "The Prophet said, "You may say it." (Bukhari 59:369)

Muhammad also sent his men to kill a Jew at Khaybar named Usayr ibn Zarim. In order to fool the man into dropping his guard and leaving his fortress, the Muslims pretended that Muhammad wanted to reconcile their differences and that they had nothing to fear:

When they came to him they spoke to him and made him promises, treating him well, saying that if he would come to the apostle, he would give him an appointment and honor him. They kept on at him until he went with them with a number of Jews… [Once the Jews were disarmed] all the apostles’ companions fell upon their Jewish companions and killed them except one man who escaped on his feet. (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 981).

Muhammad found lies to be useful not just in making it easier to kill his critics, but also to secure debt (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 770) and bring peace:

Allah's Apostle said] "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." (Bukhari 49:857)

Islamic law has expanded on this theme to include lies that benefit personal relationships, such as a man telling his wife something that isn’t true in order to placate her.

In the present day, there are many lies and half-truths told about Islam and Muhammad’s life that are intended to advance Islam in the West. In order to justify the violent aggression of early Muslims, for example, many contemporary scholars exaggerate the extent to which they were persecuted and often pretend that Muhammad’s life was in real danger at Medina when, in fact, it was not. Although knowing better, these apologists often claim that Muslims only fight in self-defense and that Islam is tolerant of other religions, posing no threat to Western values.

This is not to say that every Muslim who repeats these falsehoods does so knowingly. Most simply lack either the opportunity or the will to learn the ugly truth about their own religion.