You are not aware or have not kept in touch. Nearly all banks have one or 2 account types that are fee free. Even HSBC which is international bank has fee free acct. Usually these are for low transactors or savers. CIBC has one that allows one txs and the rest are fee based tx but no acct fee.
Then you have grandfathered accounts where the fee is turned off. Though it may be called grandfathered accounts, customer in some positions are able to negotiate fee free.
Most have a minimum deposit sum requirements
Then you have grandfathered accounts where the fee is turned off. Though it may be called grandfathered accounts, customer in some positions are able to negotiate fee free.
Most have a minimum deposit sum requirements
It would make a lot of difference if you say, "I pay $2 fee per month for my bank account but this is long time ago and is no longer available".
A person not realizing that your bank account is no longer available may be misled into thinking he can get $2 accounts in Canada, when most bank accounts are on a pay as you use basis.
Anyone opening a bank account in Canada should expect to pay for each transaction they make.
It is good that you clarified