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if renting out my condo, hw to ensure the renters don't do illicit biz?


any good suggestion? can install secret pinhole cctv in condo? is it illegal?
First you must mention illicit business welcome... reverse psychology will help you ask why you open source say that...

All you reply is help gahment catch illegal business... most people will rent from you becos they are the one that don't do bad business....杀鸡给猴看....

Hope this helps...


To be Frank, just Don rent out n stay yrself ,hv encountered before ,u handover nicely when take back ,they will give u shot n also Don expect them to return nicely, tenants are clever ,one mth deposit is not enough to cover, some lagi smart say extend half mth deduct from deposit ,end up repairs slso not enough


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
any good suggestion? can install secret pinhole cctv in condo? is it illegal?

Get a good property agent to help you screen potential tenants and do periodic checks. Good to give the security guards a little ang pao for them to keep an eye on your unit and the people coming and going.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Get a good property agent to help you screen potential tenants and do periodic checks. Good to give the security guards a little ang pao for them to keep an eye on your unit and the people coming and going.
If you are friends with the neighbours, just give them your handphone number. Got anything weird going on in your unit, they will call you. They also don't want asshole tenants turn your place into whorehouse or anything like that.
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Don't rent out to those who obviously look like whore, don't wear bra, look slutty and bitchy. Single woman with track record of renting condo is likely a prostitute, she thinks move from west to east can restart as a fresh virgin despite the big hole.


In my not so humble opinion.
When you rent out a condo or any flat, you should set yourself a minimum expectation and that is you cannot expect your tenant to cannot do this and that because when you collect rent from them, they are the temporary owner and should be able to do anything they wish as you would have done when you are living in it. Nothing more nothing less. Or unless these restrictions are offset by some agreed money discounts.
All you can do is to go by law eg law doesn't state as a temporary owner, they cannot bring in security guard to have sex with. The only thing is they cannot collect money from the guard as it will mean doing chicken business which will require a license to operate.
If you cannot accept this simple rule, then is better for you not to think of renting out anything. Be fair to yourself and others.
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