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if 8.0 earthquake hit singapore hw many hdb and condo buildings will collapse


all the HDB blocks will fall on each other like dominos...................all will mati lah...........

so all the rich people will live...............they stay landed mah..................so after earthquake, S'pore is the richest CUNTry in the world.............only rich people left what
But most poor sinkies not at home, out to work like slaves, sometimes OT also, so only the rich people jiak liao bee stay at home WFH...


U forgot many sinki dun study science after O level
Even a Japanese specialist who is a nuclear engineer commented to me why are HDB pillars so thin?
I jokingly replied that the buildings can flex and sway when hit with an earthquake.


Don't worry, Sinkapore will never get hit by a major earthquake. Tsunami is more likely.
Earthquake will nvr hit yes...

Tsunami also will nvr hit... many scientist run a lot of sitmulation... only one senario will hit... but that senario is like me hit toto first prize...


You mean if live on 40th storey flat top storey must run to roof top so that can be the first to be out after collapsed? :eek:
Or be crushed by your roof. The one on the bottom floor, 40 roofs.
Or follow advise of SCDF and hide in your bomb shelters. They won't collapse says SCDF