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i still have a fever now 37.9℃ and feel very sian and weak


That is very high temperature.

I strongly suggest you go A&E to find out if its just a simple fever,
or more than that.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That is very high temperature.

I strongly suggest you go A&E to find out if its just a simple fever,
or more than that.

you call that high ?

i had fevers of 41 degrees couple times.................and i am hypothyroid - meaning my normal temp is lower than normal people..........


at least see a GP, check if it is dengue.
just woke up and took my temperature. 36.5℃
guess I am.already ok.
feels weak and hungry. never eaten anything since yesterday morning
think I will eat an apple for today


Next time take Sinopharm, zero side effects.
From the grapevine, sinopharm has almost zero side effects, provides better protection because no one on FOUR doses of it has contracted covid more than once.
And zero history of anyone dying after taking it.


From the grapevine, sinopharm has almost zero side effects, provides better protection because no one on FOUR doses of it has contracted covid more than once.
And zero history of anyone dying after taking it.
I took 2X Sinopharm only, tio covid is mild....my relatives all thought I would die from covid after only 2 jabs...the doctor also looked shocked that I only got two shots and felt nothing when tio covid.


I took 2X Sinopharm only, tio covid is mild....my relatives all thought I would die from covid after only 2 jabs...the doctor also looked shocked that I only got two shots and felt nothing when tio covid.
Boost your defenses by taking two more, before idiots like our FOUR boards Supercuck @porcaputtana who fail to recognize the dangers of mRNA, ban it.


No...I rather tio covid again to get the latest variants recognised naturally in my body immune system.
Wise choice, after all you've had it before which means your body has some immunity from other strains. Hydrate fully even before it strikes and maybe gain some weight so that when your body needs to fight, it has some store of energy it can tap into quickly.


Wise choice, after all you've had it before which means your body has some immunity from other strains. Hydrate fully even before it strikes and maybe gain some weight so that when your body needs to fight, it has some store of energy it can tap into quickly.
I drink homemade soups everyday to hydrate myself and I never eat fast food and processed meats.


you call that high ?

i had fevers of 41 degrees couple times.................and i am hypothyroid - meaning my normal temp is lower than normal people..........

Rast time, my fever was 39.3.
Went into Septic Shock.
Rushed to A&E.
Doctors inserted IV tube into my neck to inject something.
Whole body chilling and shivering like fcuks.
Thought going to Upz three-tonner soon.