Think about this, if Adam and Eve were of Chinese descent
Adam and Eve were direct creations of God, thus they were
not members of any modern race/ethnicity.
we would all be still naked and living in the Garden of Eden.
As long as they had
refrained from eating the forbidden fruit (which may or may not have been an apple): evil#Christianity
they would have remained
innocent (like
pre-pubescent children), despite having adult bodies, and would therefore
not even know how to have sex (which was, and still is, a sin), simply because they would have lacked the knowledge of "Good and Evil" (which also implies the ability to
differentiate between them).
Contrary to popular belief, when God said to Adam and Eve:
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth")
He meant multiplying
spiritual fruit (i.e. the
virtue of worshipping and praising God throughout the day everyday
while admiring His creatures, because this human virtue is what the Earth lacked, so this is how God wanted Adam and Eve to "replenish" the Earth) by
spiritual intercourse (i.e. prayer).
Not carnal fruit (i.e. human babies) by carnal intercourse (i.e. sex).
Hence, only one man and one woman would literally have the whole Earth to themselves to enjoy in a
non-sinful way until now.
But the Paradise part of the Earth would have been more than enough for them, so they probably would not have bothered to venture out to the non-Paradise part of the Earth.
We, their descendants, would not have missed anything because we would not exist, so we cannot suffer any loss because we need to exist before we can suffer any loss; and although we would also not gain anything, Adam and Eve would have represented humanity in gaining the joys of Paradise,
as long as they refrained from eating the forbidden fruit.
They would have eaten the snake instead of the apple. No?
No, they would
not have eaten any animals, because (as I've posted in another thread):
I believe that before the first man and woman ate the forbidden fruit and were banished from Paradise to suffer in the non-Paradise part of the earth as their lifelong punishment, God wanted them to be vegans:
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”)
Even the animals God created were vegans:
“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”)