I sense that many are not aware that Tasers are not to be used when someon is armed with a weapon including such things as knife, parang etc. Its meant to subdue belligerent, disorderly charcters without calling in too many resources. In the infamous Rodney King case, the Taser malfunctioned. In numerous cases multiple discharges had to be done. If one of the prongs don't connect or hits an object, its a goner. Tasers are also used when other police officers can provide covering fire in case the device is not effective.
The Policeman misses with the taser (malfunction, charge insufficient or prong hit a button etc), either he dies, his partner dies or a member of public dies. If the officer lives, he will be charged for negligence.
Another chap said that since the officer is much bigger,he should somehow manage to subdue a man with a knife. Thats even more amazing. Watching to many movies.
I think we can reasonably assume that no one wants to take a life. The paper work, the inquiry, the hassle is not worth it.
The Policeman misses with the taser (malfunction, charge insufficient or prong hit a button etc), either he dies, his partner dies or a member of public dies. If the officer lives, he will be charged for negligence.
Another chap said that since the officer is much bigger,he should somehow manage to subdue a man with a knife. Thats even more amazing. Watching to many movies.
I think we can reasonably assume that no one wants to take a life. The paper work, the inquiry, the hassle is not worth it.
Not saying the policeman right or wrong since none of us were there.
But what was the objective in buying and issuing policeman with Taser Gun?
Is it utilize to cause pain under non dangerous situations?
Is the Taser Gun a white elephant and additional burden to carry around and money wasted with good initial intention but not practical?