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Hypothetical situation : What will you do if you see a chio ghost ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
- Run in fear?
- Strip her naked?
- Take selfie with her?

As for me, I am curious if she wear bra and panties underneath. As I'm getting older, I'm actually more curious than fearful now.

Welcome any reply from a scientific perspective.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

There is no such GHOST possible in reality. All those Chio who died in the past cannot freely wander or come back to the living folks.
All dead will be imprisoned in the compartment in the Hell until judgment

Can a person who is remanded in the SG jail come back to the society legally?
Samet5hing true in the spiritual realm also.

Then how are such things possible??

It is possible that devil can bring deceptions of any person who is dead or even alive.
He even brings the body language, or her psychology of the dead
He can even bring the voices of the dead, 99% similarity but not 100%
He can even alter your senses, to bring the same aroma of the dead she used while living

It is a DECEPTOIN or ILLUSOIN that devil brings to you.
Tell the devil to Fcuk off.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There is no such GHOST possible in reality. All those Chio who died in the past cannot freely wander or come back to the living folks.
All dead will be imprisoned in the compartment in the Hell until judgment

Can a person who is remanded in the SG jail come back to the society legally?
Samet5hing true in the spiritual realm also.

Then how are such things possible??

It is possible that devil can bring deceptions of any person who is dead or even alive.
He even brings the body language, or her psychology of the dead
He can even bring the voices of the dead, 99% similarity but not 100%
He can even alter your senses, to bring the same aroma of the dead she used while living

It is a DECEPTOIN or ILLUSOIN that devil brings to you.
Tell the devil to Fcuk off.
You must be a really staunch Christian.
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Because I have been dealing with devil all through my life.

He is almost tangible to me every now and then. He is here 24 by 7 like a stray dog despite I do not give him a chance.




- Run in fear?
- Strip her naked?
- Take selfie with her?

As for me, I am curious if she wear bra and panties underneath. As I'm getting older, I'm actually more curious than fearful now.

Welcome any reply from a scientific perspective.
Imuho a lady ghost has no such thing as chio or not chio I.e it is just a image figure either of green dark red black toned colour.
My uncle would just lie there and wait for the servicing.
Had done that. They will onlee appear when you are half asleep. No pun intended.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Imuho a chio lady ghost has no such thing as chio or not chio I.e it is just a image figure either of green dark red black toned colour.
My uncle would just lie there and wait for the servicing.
Had done that. They will onlee appear when you are half asleep. No pun intended.
So who determines what color they have?


Imuho a lady ghost has no such thing as chio or not chio I.e it is just a image figure either of green dark red black toned colour.
My uncle would just lie there and wait for the servicing.
Had done that. They will onlee appear when you are half asleep. No pun intended.
Just to add they are all verlee horny but not fierce so if they visit you just enjoy it.
Too bad after my uncle has karchng bin and flaccid they no longer want my uncle.
Last time they visited my uncle quite frequentlee.
Soon par with dying a terrible death if untrue.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

If you can touch her meaning she is not a ghost ... :o-o:

Exactly, to touch her it has to come in tangible or physical form.
At that stage, the ghost cannot deceive you and you can see the face of the devil himself.

I have encountered Satan tangibly on several occasions. He looks like a man (Africa male with dark skin) and even I was forced to touch his cock at age 16.
He wanted to hug me when i was just 21 but i was uncomfortable.

My encounters with the devil at age 5

When i was five years old I was sick and taken good rest in my bedroom. My mom did not send me to school because the temperature was a bit high, and she told the servant main to take care before rush to her school as she was a teacher. On the third day evening, I was surprised to see someone like Jesus entering the room where I was lying. I saw Jesus with blood in his hands. Even though I was healed literally, I couldn't accept him as Jesus Christ in my mind. Because he had a long hair as long as my mom.

What l saw was so feminine (cisgendered) with long hair and his costumes that did not go in harmony with scripture. However, I found out after I grew older and talk to God in bidirectional way, God asked me a Question Is it shameful for a man to grow long hair just to clarify my questions. (1 Corinthians 11:15). The long hair of a woman is given her for a mantle, veil, or covering. (1 Corinthians 11:15).

Then I confirmed with God that Jesus did NOT have a long hair. God also asked me Christ is called WORD of God, meaning He will uphold 100% of every doctrine in the Bible.


Devil took it a challenge to deceive me on several occasions, without a success. One day God Himself restrained devil when I was 50 years old. God asked devil what he can’t bend at age 5, cannot be bent at age 50 implying his stupidity.


Singapore Dancing Spirit

How does Satan look alike?

  • Think of a black male with utter dark skin who is a transsexual or transvestite
  • Because he is impotent, he seems like a gay bottom. That is why LGBTQ+ is flourishing
  • He seems to promote the LGBTQ lifestyle to all men on earth as if he is Mr. Gay. An asshole or a bottom in the gay world cannot be Mr.Gay
  • He starts the LGBTQ stigma even if someone is straight. He may induce curiosity into ‘Ah Qua” Man’.
  • Devil looks like a man, but his body language shows he is feminine. That is why he made neb to confuse Jesus as feminine. Real Jesus is indeed stronger and more muscular than anyone on earth because he was biological son of Adam and Eve. God preserved their seed even before they disobeyed God. Conception of Mary was done in a clinical way onto the womb of Mary. None of the pastors in Christendom knew this truth. Mary was just a surrogate mother of Jesus. Nothing else.
  • Satan may be unattractive even among gays when I unmask him to you all,
  • Besides, none among you have ever seen in the same way that I had dwelled with him for 5 decades together, I will be unmasking him to entire world for you to see him -- his face, his body including his genitals. He was stripped naked when Christ overcame the Dragon on the cross.
  • Lion is naked and barefooted in the spiritual realm. All Holy angels are all clothed with proper shoes. Remember angles do not have wings but they can fly.
  • Einstein once said 100 years ago that nothing can zip along more quickly than light. Einstein's wisdom is inferior to me as I knew Devil is a spiritual being -- who can fly to anywhere with an inconceivable speed. This speed is much faster than the speed of the light.
  • Satan can fly into Joe Biden's mind and come back to my mind within a fraction of a second.
  • Satan was able to go to Heaven and return to earth in second (Planet Heaven is far most North Planet in the Universe as no man can go there with any technology)
  • Everyone on earth will be able to get a glimpse of both HOLY ANGLES and Satan, a fallen angel. Holy angels are always taller, fairer and brighter. Their facial countenance is like lightning, and their raiments are dazzling as white as snow. This kind of appearance may attract many Women or Gay men in Singapore or around the globe as they have a very unique shape of a well-built muscular bodies with enormous strength and stamina.
  • All angelic appearances were like men, and they normally do not have any WINGS. (Heb. 13:2; Matthew 28:3). Satan is on the other hand is utter dark, black fallen angel -- he also does not have wings as many imagines. He does NOT have hoofs, horns or tails.... beware.
  • Everyone will get a chance to see the Host of Heaven which are a TROOP of holy angels from heaven at the command of watchers and holy ones (angels) carrying out the will of the Most High (Dan. 4:13,17). These watchers oversee the affairs of men to enable them to bring about the will of God in the earth (Dan. 4:17; 10:10-21; 11:1; 12:1; Mt. 18:10; Heb. 1:14).

    At the same time everyone will get a chance to see Dragon as he is expected to appear before me. How does dragon look alike, I will reveal that also before the break off day.


Conceptually, I know a way to fly at least one tenth speed of Light

The Apollo 10 astronauts THE TRIO are the fastest humans in the history. I wanna break the record of 40,000 kmph which Apollo10 made in 1969.
I am conceptually (theoretically) visualizing a way to fly accelerate a vessel up to 10% of the speed of light – a cool 62,000,000mph (about 100,000,000km/h) with the advent of advanced propulsion systems based on fission and fusion concepts. This atomic technology would remain tantalizingly out of reach for any research entities in USA or Russia as they worry about Gs forces to a tolerable level.

Flying at Mach 5 speed (about 6000kph) is not a problem - but 60 million per hour presents different problems which i am studying. I am talking about 100 years ahead of NASA’s inventions so far.

To be continued
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

iz ze ghost Sadako? :eek::eek:

All deceptions of devil.

He is the ONE guy who can deceive all people on earth with so many characters which I believe Gnostics (deeper things of devil)
Even Satan passes off as Buddha in the spiritual realm.

Yes, he many claim he is god to deceive many. Truth is he is not God but a fallen angel of God.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

So who determines what color they have?

All angels are CREATED BEINGS. How Adam and Eve were created, God created all angels a million of years ago.

God made Adam and Eve to procreate and then populate the earth through sex and procreation. You and I are born through womb of mothers and not created.
All angels are men. There are no female angels created as there is no procreation among angels. Theor skin color is NOT same as human beings. But because they had sex with women, we have their skin color on some races.