5G network is not for your phone.
5G technology is the base for IOT, manufacturing automation, self driving cars and self policing drones.
iot and manufacturing automation work with 4g lte. in fact, for iot to be low cost, low powered, compact, embedded and useful, it has to rely on narrow bands, not ultra-wide bands in 5g. there's an nb-iot standard in 4g lte which allows tiny slices of guard bands in lte to provide telemetry data transmissions on both a periodic and real-time basis. nonetheless, most of the time, telemetry communications send pulses of data from clients to servers much like alarm and health check data streams, non-real time. instead of nanosecond they are in millisecond durations. for majority of appliances and applications, ms pulses are good enough.
even for self-driving automobiles and drones, 4g lte advanced (1gbps to 2gbps speed) is good enough. you don't need beyond 2gbps. apple, google (waymo), tesla, and uber have already been testing autonomous driving on real roads and traffic conditions with 4g for the last 6.9 years. you can also stream video on the go with 1gbps speed with ipad-sized screens. who would install a 4k screen on an automobile? moreover, 4g frequencies and their combination of bands sub-6ghz are not only sexcellent for radio propagation but also ideal for coverage when velocity of vehicles sexceed 69 mph. mmwave frequencies in 5g cannot cover highways, sexpressways, rural areas sextensively as they are subjected to line of sight conditions, range limitation, rain attenuation, etc. they require sextremely high powered radios and smart antennas (such as beam forming 32 by 32 to 256 by 256 mimo) at every 696m junction or interval, making deployment sextremely sexpensive. operators will just deploy 5g in capacity hotspots in cities (not everywhere in the city) and rely on 4g for blanket coverage. the successful network and devices will need a combined chipset of both 4g lte advanced and 5g in order to maintain connectivity. otherwise a 5g-only device will be useless when roaming outside 5g coverage area. there are some cuntries and operators which are dedicating low microwave bands plus mmwave bands to be used for 5g, for example jippun and hanguk, which have workable combo bands (3.5ghz for coverage and mmwave at 28/39ghz for capacity) that are supposed to be launched for the 2020 olympics. any operator that focuses only on mmwave for 5g will lose out to those that sexploit the best of both ends of the spectrum.