Wonder who would be Old Man's pallbearers when he finally departs. Or, he may just leave that task to S'pore Casket.
lianbeng replies: Young Man!

Wonder who would be Old Man's pallbearers when he finally departs. Or, he may just leave that task to S'pore Casket.
Wonder who would be Old Man's pallbearers when he finally departs. Or, he may just leave that task to S'pore Casket.
For the old man, it is called ballbearers.
They way those coffin bearers were dressed, I thought they were going to drop the coffin on the ground and dance Gangnam style.![]()
huang wen yong's 新兵小传 (Xin Pin Xiao Zhuan)
The theme song of the show sounds like some North korea music.
Soursop causes brain damage and you are the obvious example.
Wah the pix of the colleagues crying like they lost their father and mother like that. Actors will be actors... I don't think I will cry for my colleague until like that on the day of his passing.
Wah the pix of the colleagues crying like they lost their father and mother like that. Actors will be actors... I don't think I will cry for my colleague until like that on the day of his passing.
Is that Aileen Tan without make up?
With makeup she looks one hot MILF.. Without makeup really cannot make it..
alot of these MLM stuff are ALL bullsh!t and damn dangerous. there is no such thing as miracle cure. sheep placentas are dangerously toxic and alot of stupid idiots sinkies do not know that. scientistsfrom Texas A&M University have shown (using gene knock-out technology) that endogenous retroviruses are found in sheep placental . and alot of theese retrovirus are repsonsible for mad cow(scrapie) , lymphomas, cancers etc.
Retroviruses are unique for their ability to permanently insert their genetic material into the DNA of host cells, highly possible that the placenta extract if any he took probbaly killed him.
alot of these mediacorpse actors and actresses are equally culpable. first slim ten and now this. as they say vanity kills.
do your research . common sense would tell you if it works , qualified doctors would be the first to precribe it and earn millions of $.
the reason they don't is because they are bound by ethics.