1. Why is 1-deg 15 totally pulling out of Putrid Harbour ?
2 What are the Real Reasons that Jen Hotel Stopped Business and Closed ?
3. What's the Real Story with the Pinewood-Marco Polo Project Failure ?
4. What's the background of the SG-Buyer of Pinewood-Iskandar Studios and why till present, no activities ?
5. Southern Marina, the 3rd Block's construction stopped for Good ?
6. Emerald Bay, Is anyone familiar with the circumstances why the Building Site, next to the "Iconic Bridge" has stopped, for many Years ?
7. Are there any past Buyers for the, "GreenLand Danga Bay" Project ? How are these Byers compensated - if any - for this abandoned project ?
8. Ditto #7, Sovereign Bay, at Permas Jaya,..even Local Buyers were left dissapointed.
So, despite the above, is it true that more and more Singaporeans have resumed buying into Johor properties ?
Is there a ranking of "Property Gurus" who seduce the viewers into a "Buy-Buy-Buy" state of arousal ?
How many Property CONsultants, can One really Trust ?