If you're over 40 and lose your job, its practically game over for you. I've seen too many cases. One friend of mine took up part time teaching post and suffered severe loss of income. Another went into credit card debt and nearly divorced. Yet another became a pimp (we all avoid him nowadays because he has a habit of cheating girls). Another one went into the business of arranging illegal marriages of convenience. Another one went into MLM and then ended up being a driver in Geylang for the legal houses.
Too many sad examples.
What a sad and pathetic existence of a Sinkie.
When young, scared of not getting good grades.
When working, scared of losing the job (no matter how shitty it is).
When elderly, scared of not having enough for retirement.
Even at the voting booth, keep voting PAP because of fear.
Even the modern history of Singapore (a.k.a the gospel according to LKY) is a narrative based on fear. How to survive without natural resources? How to be secure with (hostile?) Muslim neighbours surrounding us? What if Malaysia cuts water supply?
It is really terrible, cowering in fear from the cradle to the grave. How do you get people to shake off this pernicious conditioning?
Look at those Ang Mohs: they can take year-long sabbatical no pay leave, go backpacking around the world. You ask them to do no-pay OT, they (or their credible labour unions) tell you to go fuck yourself.
That is the way to live and enjoy life: passion and joy, not fear, fear and more fear.
What good is hoarding money purely for the sake of hoarding money and not enjoying yourself?
It's about time Sinkie start to deprogram themselves from this unspeakable matrix.
Here is a start: