You are either very igorant or stupid, chose to believe in wiki(which can be edited or posted by literally anyone who can type) or some hideous survey no one bothers to read.
The fact remains Singapore is not regarded as a English-speaking country. For immigration or academic admission purposes to the western countries. A Singaporean who unfortunately graduated from the world-class NUS or NTU degree, is still expected to pass a English language test to get admission. Only applicants from US, Uk, Ireland, Canada (French province excluded), Australia, NZ are exempted. So, a PRC with a substandard English skills but graduated from a US, Uk or Australian university would still be perceived as higher English language than a Sporean with local education qualification. Reality check is always painful isn't it?
Haha.....u really are very very stupid (brainwashed by PAP I reckon?). Do you really believe the Americans will emulate the education system from Singapore? In your wildest dream. Why on earth a 330 million populated first world country like America will listen to a pseudo-western Asian country like Singapore? Use your brain, almost all the top universities in the world are based in the US and do you know how many Nobel prizes they have won? Singapore -none. Can you seriously say the American education system has flaws and require help from the little red dot country which she can't even take care of her own citizens?
Many countries are moving away from the British system(which Singapore's education was built) and adopted the American educations system. Even Australian universities are moving to that direction. Eg. The Melbourne University model has transformed into a American style postgraduate system.
So what Sporean send their scripts to Cambridge to mark, so are HK, Sri Lanka, Brunei and many South East Asian countries? They are still regarded as non-English speaking country(including Singapore just in case you still don't know). They still speak broken English, they still are not being understood by people who speak proper English.
Walking in entire street of NY you don't hear a word of English - so? Is the same at Chinatown in San Francisco, Crabamatta in Sydney, Soho in London. It doesn't mean people in San Franciso or Sydney or London don't speak good English. Your argument is ridiciously weak, and sorry, Singapore is still a non-English speaking country, and they are widely regard as speaking mediocre English. The truth hurts, I know. I guess you never been out of Singapore ..haha
Wikipedia do have their sources referenced below. But you need a functioning brain to check that out, so maybe your friends can help?
Singapore and her education is recognised as an English speaking country for most studies and migration abroad.
UK immigration - a degree from Singaporean schools will get you full points for English speaking reuqirement.
Studies in the UK and most English medium universities - UK schools and most English medium Universities around the world (Philippinos, Carribean, South African, HK) easily recognise Singapore qualifications for exemptions from English proficiency tests.
Some schools in the USA and Australia are the exceptions. They require Singapore students to take English proficiency tests but my cousins who studied in USA got these tests waived simply by calling their schools to complain and by virtue of their o levels results alone. It is a joke to spend a few hundred bucks for an English test when you are educated in English your whole life.
Aus immi - A passport from Canada, USA, UK and Ireland will get you 15 points for English proficiency automatically (rudimentary level points), but if you are a citizen from these countries and want 25 points for English proficiency, you have to take the IELTS. A PRC who has an American degree still has to take the IELTS for Australia immigration. It is the passport that counts in Aus immigration, not the degree.
The English proficiency test (IELTS) is compulsory for Singaporeans who are immigrating to AUstralia, as well as for many other native English speakers from Carribean (Bermuda,TnT,Belize etc), Africa etc. But the test is very easy and you should ace it with 25 points easily if you are a local born Singaporean who is fluent in English.
He he, go ahead and call Singapore a non English speaking country and yell on top of the mountain that Singaporeans speak mediocre English. No one gives a shit. Don't you understand? You are a nobody. No one gives a shit about space monkeys.
No matter how much you desperately spam your nobel prize winners list, the truth is Australia and New Zealand are indeed 50 years behind Singapore in terms of building, infrastructure, engineering, IT, technology and some sciences. A quick stroll in any Australian or New Zealand cities is all you need to verify these facts.
Another truth is ~40% of Australians used drugs and drugs are a major probelm in that country. ( )
And yet another truth is the Australian and New Zealand Armed forces are a total joke. Underfunded and lacking in manpower. Their defence strategy in times of war is to wait for USA aid. Malaysia and Indonesia easily have 10-20 times their combat power.
Oh yes, Australia is dry and lacks water as well. Many towns only have rainwater tanks (yucks do you dare to drink that water?) and South Australia practices water rationing. There are spiders in Australia that roam around your house and can kill your infrant in 15mins. There are jellyfishes the size of ur thumb that can sting and kill you and lots of weird animals.
What a terrible waste of time educating monkeys like yourself. It is best we leave you to be be ignorant and dumb. Without dumb monkeys for contrast, there can be no intelligent people on this planet. Thank you for being alive.