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How does it feel to ejaculate inside a girl mouth?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Seems several low-IQ edmw rejects have migrated here.
What kind of dumbass question will we have next ? How does breast milk taste like ?


BCM, it depends. As what @glockman above said, if tam chiak, you will feel the very life sucked out of you. A basic cum in mouth is no real biggie. It's what she does after you cum.

I've now refined my theory on CIM. @glockman, as you mentioned it's how much she sucks after climax. As from my posts from years ago, I was expressing this to you and ahmeng wherever he is (@strawberry, can you please pass this message on? Ask for fee from glockie to cover your messaging costs please.) I've now gone back and remembered that every time it was a CIM, there was a lot of extraction going on. Maybe hence my slightly less than positive recollections.


BCM, it depends. As what @glockman above said, if tam chiak, you will feel the very life sucked out of you. A basic cum in mouth is no real biggie. It's what she does after you cum.

I've now refined my theory on CIM. @glockman, as you mentioned it's how much she sucks after climax. As from my posts from years ago, I was expressing this to you and ahmeng wherever he is (@strawberry, can you please pass this message on? Ask for fee from glockie to cover your messaging costs please.) I've now gone back and remembered that every time it was a CIM, there was a lot of extraction going on. Maybe hence my slightly less than positive recollections.