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lst do u agree that baey ayam king look gayish? if your answer is YES, then that was how shortie mah won over tampines- PINK VOTES.
Kuan Yew is the god of know all and god of unmerciful. with his thousands sneaky knuckle-dustered hands and his thousands all seen eyes, he saw the PINK VOTES there brewing.
u look at shortie mah. what does he have? nothing. short. ugly and very avaricious which explains why KUAN YEW, the god of unmercy loves him so much. shortie is ergonomically statured for balls carrying and other mouth job.
there u hv it. baey ayam king was deployed immediately there. u realised also that KY had never disciplined ayam king for his act-cute goatee stubble. that heightened his gayishness which was a formidable weapon to win the pink votes over.
and folks, that's how mah the shortie and ugly tan won over tampines - through ayam king's electrifying winks that attracted all the gay pink votes.
should gohmengseng, our saikongseng had also possessed KY's all seeing skill, he would have teased gay vincent botak over fr SDP and at the same put NICOLE on his team. such a combination would win over not only the gays but also the lesbos.
tampines is one hell of pink town. the gays rule there. don't believe,next time when u are there, observe. especially when u go to the toilet, do be aleert and careful. they are there waiting......
Kuan Yew is the god of know all and god of unmerciful. with his thousands sneaky knuckle-dustered hands and his thousands all seen eyes, he saw the PINK VOTES there brewing.
u look at shortie mah. what does he have? nothing. short. ugly and very avaricious which explains why KUAN YEW, the god of unmercy loves him so much. shortie is ergonomically statured for balls carrying and other mouth job.
there u hv it. baey ayam king was deployed immediately there. u realised also that KY had never disciplined ayam king for his act-cute goatee stubble. that heightened his gayishness which was a formidable weapon to win the pink votes over.
and folks, that's how mah the shortie and ugly tan won over tampines - through ayam king's electrifying winks that attracted all the gay pink votes.
should gohmengseng, our saikongseng had also possessed KY's all seeing skill, he would have teased gay vincent botak over fr SDP and at the same put NICOLE on his team. such a combination would win over not only the gays but also the lesbos.
tampines is one hell of pink town. the gays rule there. don't believe,next time when u are there, observe. especially when u go to the toilet, do be aleert and careful. they are there waiting......