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how cum christian fren tells me must accept christ then can go heaven. she says do good and no evil is insufficient to qualify for entry to heaven

Singapore Dancing Spirit


We must know good and evil first in the light of Bible. After that we choose the good and discard the evil. It is not so easy as we have lifelong fights between good and evil. She must learn and understand the concepts of Bible first and make sure she has her confirmation to get there the moment she dies. Then she will be in a better place to talk about the life saving knicks and knacks to others. There is LIFE after death and save yourself first before trying it on others

The best analogy could be the following procedures

In the flights during emergency, when cabin pressure drops, emergency oxygen masks provide life-saving oxygen for passengers and crew members. Pilots also use them as precautionary measures. "In the event of emergency, put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. Passengers have just seconds to put on their oxygen masks before oxygen-saturation levels drop to a perilous point. By helping others first, or ignoring the mask altogether, a person will begin to lose his or her ability to recognize faces and shapes, and eventually pass out. Hence, the flight-safety demo that reminds passengers over and over to take care of their own mask right away.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Remenber that story : " son , today u will be with me in Paradise "

Jesus did not use the word "son".

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 23:43

Well, that is the last-minute conversion similar to death bed conversion to get an entry to go to Heaven.
But Bible admonishes a man to have a lifelong walk with God



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ask her of she has read and understood the whole bible?
Or else she's a hypocrite. Because how could she possibly miss Jesus clear cut statement that he is not God and by himself cannot do anything?

Just like you miss the statement from Jesus that nobody can come to the Father except through Jesus.

Then again, your little quran is barely 10% of the Bible.


Most Christians today have failed to truly die to their carnal self and unite in the death of Christ. If don't die in Him, how to resurrect with him? Without the resurrection power, how to lead a victorious spiritual life? That's why, most are still struggling everyday in and with the flesh. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." (1 Corinthians 4:20).

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Just like you miss the statement from Jesus that nobody can come to the Father except through Jesus.

Then again, your little quran is barely 10% of the Bible.

Most Christians today have failed to truly die to their carnal self and unite in the death of Christ. If don't die in Him, how to resurrect with him? Without the resurrection power, how to lead a victorious spiritual life? That's why, most are still struggling everyday in and with the flesh. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." (1 Corinthians 4:20).
Good point

That is why I asked the Q. Because There is a growth of inner-man (soul+spirit) and that needs to grow.
When a man accepts Chrisy and confess his sons and become a new man. That means he is born again. This is when his inner man is BORB. Until now his inner9man was dead when he indulged in carnal pleasures. So, there is a life cycle for the inner man also. The penitent criminal on cross went to paradise Luke 23:43 But his soul is just born-again. Just a baby but he was taken into Heacen

Bible discusses 4 stages of inner man growth. All Apostles in the Bible reached the 4th stage before they start their ministries. But today all pastors go to seminary and start preaching. They are still carnal. That means their soul is still dead.

CHAPTER 4.jpeg


Most Christians today have failed to truly die to their carnal self and unite in the death of Christ. If don't die in Him, how to resurrect with him? Without the resurrection power, how to lead a victorious spiritual life? That's why, most are still struggling everyday in and with the flesh. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." (1 Corinthians 4:20).
How to die to your carnal self? Stop materbsting? Stop fantasizing sex, stop sprouting nonsense, stop thinking of money

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Perfection in Christ
When a person is born again, he becomes a child of God (Jn 1:12), a citizen in the Kingdom (Col 1:13) and a member of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 11:12,13). His name gets registered in Heaven (Heb 12:23). God is his Father, and Jesus is his Elder Brother (Heb 2:10-13).

You may have just completed first stage of salvation, justification. In other words, you are justified to be children of God. Children of God means God does not mind control His children NOT to commit any sin. He gives freedom to sin or avoid sin. It is your choice.

✿ But the moment, you commit any sin after you are reborn, your inner man dies immediately. Your name is written in the book of life be blotted out the moment you sin again. The entry into heaven is your hands because God has given complete freedom to sin or not to sin.

Paul prevented from speaking to the Corinthians as unto spiritual people (1 Cor. 1-3) because they were still, still in Christ meaning their - (soul + spirit) is not grown. They need to grow!! . !!

When a person is born again, his inner man = (Soul ➕spirit) is just reborn. Bible says his inner man is now at the () stage. It is the very critical stage vulnerable to world, Satan, sin as you do not know anything about spiritual realm. Most of the preachers who do not know about spiritual realm start preaching at this stage. It is wrong. Jesus Himself waited for 30 years before He start preaching. All 12 Apostles took Jesus with His boot camp for 3.5 years before they preach. Why requires time to develop your inner-man. I have been waiting for my first platform for about 48 years. I know my innerman. I can asunder of my own soul and spirit as i can pierce through the body and laying open the innermost recesses of the soul (feelings, passions, desires, appetites) and mind (thoughts and intents of the innermost being). But yet i am waiting for God’s time. If anyone ask me to perform a miracle, I will say “My time is not yet come” on the same way Jesus uttered(Jn. 7:6). Because those who are going to use the authority in Christ to perform spectacular miracles knew in advance spiritually. God has been asking me to wait. God has been guiding me what is important in my life. He taught me first I should take care of my soul from sins. It is more precious than performing spectacular miracles. I consider the value of my soul is more precious than the earth that we live in. Because I am using my authority to drive the existing world system, Satan and economy away, I must value my soul. I will not give any opportunity to devil to overcome my soul.

When Jesus was born from the womb of Mary, his physical body was born. But the inner man = soul + spirit of Christ came from above to be united together at His birth. This is called incarnation. So, the personal soul and personal spirit of Christ is spiritual, and He is God. Because he removed his immortal body and took the mortal body of the baby, He is 100% human. But Christ waited for 30 years for his physical body to mature. The baby’s inne-man is fully grown but his outer man requires time to grow.

Can you wean a baby with all minerals and vitamins over the night? No, He needs a growth into toddler, youth. Christ died in His youth to remain YOUTH forever. Even after resurrection, he did not take immortal body prior to descending into this world. He took the same body which was crushed on the cross. Christ's body saw no corruption but was resurrected (Acts 13:34-37 Lk. 24:39).
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

How to die to your carnal self? Stop materbsting? Stop fantasizing sex, stop sprouting nonsense, stop thinking of money

Well, those things are flesh needs.
This something to do with your own conscience. Flesh things with your wife OK. but if you wanna practice with others, then you must speak to your innerself..

Conscience is a matchless gift from God. It is His lamp to search all the inner depths of our hearts (Prov 20:27). It is sometimes called the "spirit of man" (1 Cor 2:11a). A sharp conscience is an inestimable asset for character building. The conscience must be trained to love what's right with perfect love and hate what's wrong with perfect hatred. It's easier to love good than to hate evil. If we choose the easier one and ignore the other, we will become popular with men but won't please God. If we love good and hate evil equally, we will earn the smile of God as well as the sneer of the devil (Heb 1:9). Only when we keep our conscience clear, we will not mix up black and white (Isa 5:20).

Any Christian who is serious about changing his carnal nature into spiritual mindedness ought to study the Sermon on the Mount diligently (Matthew 5-7). This is the Magna Carta of the Kingdom of God. No better sermon has been ever preached to present the Kingdom values. This Sermon is the Highway of Holiness. Its intense practicality is never outdated. Memorizing this Sermon and frequent meditation of the same will load our minds with virtues (Phil 4:8). These virtues will then manifest in our words and deeds. Whatever is in our hearts determines what we say or do (Lk 6:45). Jesus lived out the Sermon on the Mount to the minutest detail.


Ask her of she has read and understood the whole bible?
Or else she's a hypocrite. Because how could she possibly miss Jesus clear cut statement that he is not God and by himself cannot do anything?

No one today has read the unadulterated original, unmodified bible because such a book does not exist.

Ask anybody - Christian or not - to provide such a book to us. I want to read it. Anybook, any text, if it's authentic, obviously it means it must also be logically factually correct not just based on today's/current understanding of world and beyond but based on what is actually true for all times to come, only such a book can be a Heavenly book.

Who else but Allah SWT could have authored Quran, the only book Islamic, non Islamic, religious or not, that remains unchanged, unaltered, for over 1400 years and as promised by Allah SWT in the Holy Quran it will be protected over time

"We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)." (Surah Al Hijr 15:9)



Singapore Dancing Spirit

No one today has read the unadulterated original, unmodified bible because such a book does not exist.

Ask anybody - Christian or not - to provide such a book to us. I want to read it. Anybook, any text, if it's authentic, obviously it means it must also be logically factually correct not just based on today's/current understanding of world and beyond but based on what is actually true for all times to come, only such a book can be a Heavenly book.

Who else but Allah SWT could have authored Quran, the only book Islamic, non Islamic, religious or not, that remains unchanged, unaltered, for over 1400 years and as promised by Allah SWT in the Holy Quran it will be protected over time

"We have without doubt sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)." (Surah Al Hijr 15:9)


Not only you but about 2 billion Islamic brothers got the same doubt.
Please wait until I demonstrate who Allah is in the spiritual realm in due time.


Ask her of she has read and understood the whole bible?
Or else she's a hypocrite. Because how could she possibly miss Jesus clear cut statement that he is not God and by himself cannot do anything?
This is the typical and tired Muslim argument that Jesus Christ never said "I am God, worship me" that has been rebutted over and over again.

By his action, Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be God. Jesus Christ accepted people worshipping him, he claimed to be the same "I AM", the same "I AM" who spoke to Moses in the burning bushes, he said he will return in the clouds of heaven which the Jews immediately understood that Jesus was claiming to be God.

Christ said he would die and resurrect on the third day and he did. No one else has said and could say and do that. Not then, not now and not forever.

Do Muslims believe anyone who claims to be god by words and not by action? Many other people have claimed to be god. You believe them?
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This is the typical and tired Muslim argument that Jesus Christ never said "I am God, worship me" that has been rebutted over and over again.

By his action, Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be God. Jesus Christ accepted people worshipping him, he claimed to be the same "I AM", the same "I AM" who spoke to Moses in the burning bushes, he said he will return in the clouds of heaven which the Jews immediately understood that Jesus was claiming to be God.

Christ said he would die and resurrect on the third day and he did. No one else has said and could say and do that. Not then, not now and not forever.

Do Muslims believe anyone who claims to be god by words and not by action? Many other people have claimed to be god. You believe them?
In your bible, God says he is not the author of confusion. Yet in your bible are verses that when you ask 5 christians what it means, they will answer it in 6 different ways. It is full of contradictions and can be interpreted in so many ways.
Ask any christian how they reconcile 3 gods into one, and all logic and rationale goes out the window.

If Jesus were really god, he will unambiguously proclaim 'I AM GOD!' But he never did.

What he did was to instead declare that the father is the ONLY TRUE GOD! Clearly unambiguous.

There are thousands of holes in Paul's doctrine which you follow. Plenty of loose ends that can never be tied up cleanly.

And then there are dishonest christians who add/delete words and verses and translations errors till today.

The other dishonest christians are those who see the errors but their egos make them stubborn to accept truth. You will answer to Allah and it won't be nice.