I have limited resources, and too many choices. I cannot afford the time and money to live in one place after another, trying for the 'ideal'. Moving abroad is an investment. Whatever place I choose will almost certainly be a long term place. All sources have their biases (esp. my friends, who of course always praise their own places). That's why I need every possible source.
You're absolutely correct that each source of info you obtain from will have their own biases, ie:
1. Your friends and relatives who have migrated & stayed will definitely (I say 99% of them) say they love the place. Who would want to look like a stupid loser for making a major wrong decision in their life? Most people would want to look good & smart in front of their friends & relatives bec they have a face to maintain, right?
2. Each embassy's website & printed catalogs will definitely say that their countries are good places to migrate to. Which gov'ts will admit that their countries are horrible places to live with high taxes, high cost of living, high unemployment rate, high crime rates, and serious racist issues?
3. Each migration agent will definitely say that the countries they can help you migrate to are among the best countries to live. They earn their living by charging their clients who decide to use their services. No clients means no money!
4. Many independent websites that praise a particular country or a group of countries as good places to migrate are also biased. They would give all kinds of praises about those countries. But somewhere on their websites, there are icons or links where you can click that will connect you to a migration agent's website. These independent websites earn a commission each time their visitors click on the icons & links. No visitors clicking means no commissions!
5. Most SBF forummers who have migrated and stayed will definitely say they love the places where they are living now. Which SBF forummer will admit that they have made a big mistake by migrating to the wrong country?
Migrating to another country is a major life decision like getting married! The best way to know if a particular country is suitable for you is to actually live there for 6 months. I know most countries only allow visitors to stay for up to 3 months. You can use a loophole by going to a neighbouring country and stay for 3 months, then return to the previous country to complete the 6 month asssessment, and so on.
Remember that if a particular country is good for Person A, it will not necessarily be good for Person B. In fact, Person B may even find that particular country horrible to live after migrating! Each person is unique as he has his own life experiences, standards, and expectations.
Most people would go through years of courtship before deciding if they want to marry a particular person, yet some people still regret that they end up marrying the wrong person!
Why would people migrate to another country without first actually living there to find out if they really love the place they intend to migrate to? The cost of travel and actually living in each country for 6 months will be worth it. It will be money well spent. What is the cost of making a major wrong migration decision that you will later regret?
Wish you all the best in your overseas migration!