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How cost of hdb can be reduced


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tiongs building something that is resistant to earthquakes.... and I'm sure plenty of low IQ China fans sincerely believe that. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
At least they were honest about the 'easy relocation and disassembly' part of the sales pitch.
attractive monthly rentals available, while stocks (and the building) last, with length and tenure of land (with said building) only up to 12 month period and warranty against collapse- whichever comes first :whistling:


Let see whether pap will use hdb as carrots in 2025 erection, lol ,they will not say that without them hdb is worthless, wat I feel is with them initially hdb will be expensive after it will be worthless, 60% sinkies are high n song,lol only foreigners n PRs are the winners