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Serious Homeowners in shock after DBS, OCBC & UOB hike home loan fixed interest rate


Why should anyone be shocked? Ppl were waving red flags everywhere, cautioning those who bothered to listen about the dangers of vaccines and rising interest rates, among many ills once they had opened the pandora’s box. But of course sinkies were daft and too thick in their heads. They deserve their farking comeuppance now


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
errr... people who are really rich, do not seek mortgage, they pay all in one lump sum.

That's not true.

Vast majority of the rich people put down a deposit for property, pay installment for a few years, then flip for profit. This is called 'leverage', where you use $1 to legally own $10 worth of asset. You usually can only do leverage for property.

Only a dumbass would pay $100 to own $100 of asset, and then flip it later.


That's not true.

Vast majority of the rich people put down a deposit for property, pay installment for a few years, then flip for profit. This is called 'leverage', where you use $1 to legally own $10 worth of asset. You usually can only do leverage for property.

Only a dumbass would pay $100 to own $100 of asset, and then flip it later.
They dun buy to flip. Flipping are for those who want to act rich.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They dun buy to flip. Flipping are for those who want to act rich.

Other than buying and keeping a home for sentimental value, most rich people buy and flip.

Low caste sinkies are also catching on to it. That's why they try to flip their hawker recipes to some idiots for $500k when they want to retire, or sell their BTOs for double the price after the MOP period.


If the inflation rate is much higher than that, you're still a sucker. :cool:
I don't owe any debts, so it's fine even if interest rates on borrowings increase to 10%.

Inflation is higher than interest rates now, but it's better than nothing and if you lock in 10 years interest, one day inflation will come down.

Besides, if you put money in stockmarket now, the S&P and Nasdaq is down about 20% and 30% respectively YTD.


If you can afford a multi $m home...you can jolly well afford a 0.55% increase in interest rate.

Scrooball (clone)

But these ppl also funny right? The contract got say it’s a fixed perpetual rate meh? Lol it’s like questioning why the economy rice is selling so expensive now.


Alfrescian (Inf)
3.3% is cheap!

Wait till u see 5%!!!

Wait till you see property developers saying 'fuck it' and abandoning half-finished construction projects, since it's too expensive to make bank loans. :biggrin:

Or worse, cut corners, use less/inferior concrete etc to save costs and finish the construction anyway. :eek:

A Singaporean

Interest rate still too low. Should be at least 6%. Poor Sinkies can fuck off. We have high paid foreigners to displace u. Majulah.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wait till you see property developers saying 'fuck it' and abandoning half-finished construction projects, since it's too expensive to make bank loans. :biggrin:

Or worse, cut corners, use less/inferior concrete etc to save costs and finish the construction anyway. :eek:
Good. These half built towers can be used by pinoy and bangla as recreational hubs


Jump! Jump you Sinkies dumbfucks who bought condo and now cannot pay!

Jump! It will end your misery and avoid facing the shame of losing it.
