One of those typical local SPG who will do anything to make their AngMoh boyfriend happy........idiot........
I think this China girl student kanna screwed bigtime by her boyfriend. Somemore her father said she is a lovely and nice girl, and stand by her.
It is good to give support to your family members, but if they commited something wrong, they should be corrected.
Now we Singaporeans pay millions of taxpayers money for this Foreign Talent Students to come here or going overseas to study for free, they ought to behave themselves.
All these Singaporeans taxpayers money given to these kind of foreign students to study free without any bonds and yet they never behave themselves, and we local good behaved Singaporeans students wanted to apply for scholarship and yet were rejected due to result issue, what a stupid crap is this?
Thinking abt my hard earned money being paid for income tax and this taxpayers money is given to these bunch of foreign crap students for free made my blood boiled.
KNN!!! F**k you PAP!!!