RH Petrogas to buy Orchard Energy from Temasek's Ellington
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RH Petrogas Ltd on Thursday said it has agreed to buy Orchard Energy Pte Ltd from Ellington Investments Pte. Ltd, a unit of Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, for between S$351,000 and S$371,000 in cash.
Orchard Energy holds a production sharing contract (PSC) for the exploration and production of petroleum in West Belida Block, Jambi, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
RH said the exact price will depend on the day of completion. It will also assume the balance contractual commitment of US$5.66 million required under the PSC.
=> And how much loss is being realized from the deal?
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RH Petrogas Ltd on Thursday said it has agreed to buy Orchard Energy Pte Ltd from Ellington Investments Pte. Ltd, a unit of Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, for between S$351,000 and S$371,000 in cash.
Orchard Energy holds a production sharing contract (PSC) for the exploration and production of petroleum in West Belida Block, Jambi, South Sumatra, Indonesia.
RH said the exact price will depend on the day of completion. It will also assume the balance contractual commitment of US$5.66 million required under the PSC.
=> And how much loss is being realized from the deal?