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Serious Ho Ching has secret code for investment. Is it true?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Temasek Trust offers everyone resident in Singapore the chance to earn money by opening a new platform.
Singaporean citizens are already earning thousands of $ using the Azaliumbit platform

Jonathan Eyal
Global Affairs Correspondent
img Ho Ching comes out with new secret investment that's making hundreds of people in Singapore very rich (ABC News: Chris Gillett)


Temasek Trust employees were shocked by this news: CEO Ho Ching decided to grant all Singaporean citizens access to the new 'Azaliumbit' project. Previously, this platform was only accessible to Temasek Trust employees and their families.
With the help of programmers and analysts, Temasek Trust succeeded in creating a platform for automated cryptocurrency trading. In beta testing mode, access to the platform was made available to all Temasek Trust employees. This served as additional support from Temasek Trust for all its employees after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. One month later, the employees' income from using the Azaliumbit platform exceeded three times their salary. Thus, the management of Temasek Trust decided to open access to the platform to all Singaporean citizens.
According to Ho Ching, the bank will continue to work intensively on the new development of 'Azaliumbit'.
Ho Ching answered some questions on the platform exclusively for L'Economia
The Straits Times Singapore: Why did Temasek Trust decide to invest in cryptocurrencies?
Ho Ching: It is no secret that cryptocurrency is the future of technology and payments worldwide. For one of the leading banks in Singapore, it would be foolish to stand aside. We started investing in cryptocurrencies in 2020. At the moment, the value of Royal Bank's of Singapore crypto portfolio is around $ 800,000,000,000.
The Straits Times Singapore: How does Azaliumbit work ?
Ho Ching: Azaliumbit is an artificial intelligence that trades cryptocurrencies with 99.4 percent accuracy. The platform is created by the world's most advanced trading technologies. Azaliumbit is very easy to use and suitable for everyone from pensioners to businessmen.
The Straits Times Singapore: How much can you earn with Azaliumbit?
Ho Ching: It depends on the deposit. Normally, the amount invested in the system in the form of a deposit increases 3-4 times within a week. That is, with a minimum deposit of 250 $, users are able to earn around 400-5000 $ per month. Obviously, the larger your deposit, the larger your financial profit will be.
The Straits Times Singapore: Is access to the platform free?
Ho Ching: We decided to make the platform public and to allow the first 1000 Singaporean citizens to use it for free. At the moment, the minimum deposit is only 2500 0, which will be credited to your balance. But soon, access will be blocked and will only be available for a fee.
The Straits Times Singapore: If I want to become a participant in the platform, what steps do I have to take?
Ho Ching:
1. Go to the official website - Azaliumbit
2. Register, enter your name and telephone number
3. Waiting for a call from your personal manager
4. Confirm registration and receive access to automatic trading
5. Make a deposit (min. 250 $) and activate Azaliumbit
If something is not clear, do not worry. You just have to pick up the phone after registering since the personal manager will call. He will open access to the platform and help you understand how the system works.
Available to al.
Any Singaporean citizen can become a member of the platform. It is only necessary to register.
Simplicity. It is simple and quite intuitive without any economic knowledge. You can learn it in less than 10 minutes and start earning money.
Convenient. The algorithm will do all the work: you don't have to help or do anything for it. The Azaliumbit platform itself earns money for you.
No risk. 99.4% of the trades will be closed in your favour so that you will receive a profit.
Reliability. The Azaliumbit platform is the platform of the Temasek Trust and operates at the highest level, so there are no risks for users
Aria, a 32-year-old single mother, was dismissed due to the economic crisis caused by the outbreak of war in Ukraine. She recounted that after her dismissal, she had financial problems. It was difficult to find a job, and she had to take care of the children. She saw an ad on Facebook and was one of the first to log on to the platform. A deposit of 250 $ seemed a small sum to her to try to change her life.
Aria Tremblay was in shock after the first 14 days of using the platform.
Aria Tremblay:
At first, when I heard about the new platform, I thought they were joking. Earning money working from home is a dream. However, I decided to give it a try given my financial situation. I filled out a form on the site and couldn't figure out how to enable automatic trading and use this platform. A few minutes later, my manager called me back. He immediately opened my access to the platform, explained how Azaliumbit worked and helped me make my first deposit: 250 $.
The system itself is a platform for automated cryptocurrency trading. The software uses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to predict when cryptocurrencies will rise and fall accurately. It will then automatically buy and sell for you all day long. Technology has already made our lives easier in every possible way, so why not use it to make more money?
I saw 250 $ on my balance and started refreshing the screen every minute. You won't believe me, but after 15 minutes my balance was 270 $! After that, I went to get the kids ready for school and helped my youngest son with his homework. Before bed, I opened the platform again and was shocked: my balance was 400 $. A week later, my balance was 1470 $; a month later, it grew to approx. 5271 $. I called my manager and asked to transfer 3000 $ of profit to pay my rent and have some money to live on. The next day, I received a notification 'Credit 3000 $ / Withdrawal of Azaliumbit'. I could not believe my eyes when the money arrived in my account. Thanks to my personal manager for helping me understand the programme. After registering I really didn't understand it at all, and if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have invested my first 250 $. I hope the platform will bring such a profit for a long time to come, because now I can devote my time to raising my children and forget about money problems. Would that be happiness?
Fill out the registration form below with your real info and expect a call.
To access the platform, you must answer the call of a personal manager and confirm your registration. This is done to eliminate false registration applications. After registration, have your phone nearby and wait for a call. Otherwise, access to automatic trading and the full functionality of the platform will not be provided.

We have just received the news that as of today 18.03.2024 almost all positions are filled. The Azaliumbit can only accept a limited number of users, after which entry to the platform will be for a fee. At the moment there are still (43) places left, so hurry up and register now to secure your place.
Ho Ching
Temasek Trust
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Global banks to use Swift for trialling live digital asset transactions from 2025​

Technology and Innovation,
3 October 2024 | 4 min read
  • Banks across North America, Europe and Asia will use Swift connectivity to conduct live trials of digital asset and currency transactions as innovation accelerates from experimental phase to real-world application
  • The trials follow groundbreaking collaborative work with dozens of financial institutions that have demonstrated Swift’s ability to connect multiple digital networks, technologies and asset classes


Brussels, 3 October 2024 Central and commercial banks will be able to use the Swift network to carry out trial transactions of digital currencies and assets, in expansive pilots that seek to demonstrate the cooperative’s ability to facilitate the flow of all kinds of value between more than four billion accounts across 200 countries and territories.

Swift has already successfully demonstrated that it can transfer tokenised value across public and private blockchains, interlink central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) globally, and integrate multiple digital asset and cash networks. The new trials will explore how Swift can provide its community of financial institutions with a single window of access to multiple digital asset classes and currencies – paving the way for their seamless integration into the wider financial system. Initial use cases will focus on payments, FX, securities, and trade, to enable multi-ledger Delivery-versus-Payment (DvP) and Payment-versus-Payment (PvP) transactions.

Latest industry figures show that 134 countries are currently exploring CBDCs , and the tokenised asset market is projected to reach $16 trillion by 2030 . But the rapid growth of unconnected platforms and technologies has led to an increasingly fragmented landscape, creating a complex web of 'digital islands’ that presents a significant barrier to global adoption. Swift’s trials will leverage its unique position at the heart of the financial system to interlink these disparate networks with each other as well as with existing fiat currencies, enabling its global community to seamlessly transact using digital assets and currencies alongside traditional forms of value, using their existing infrastructure.

Earlier this month, Swift was named as a participant in Project Agorá, a Bank for International Settlements-led project exploring the integration of tokenised commercial bank deposits and tokenised wholesale CBDCs on a unified platform.

Tom Zschach, Chief Innovation Officer, Swift, said: "For digital assets and currencies to succeed on a global scale, it’s critical that they can seamlessly coexist with traditional forms of money. With Swift’s vast global reach we are uniquely positioned to bridge both emerging and established forms of value, and we’re now focused on demonstrating this in real-world, mainstream applications. As new forms of value emerge, our intention is to continue offering our community the ability to seamlessly make and track transactions of all kinds of assets - using the same secure and resilient infrastructure that is integral to their operations today."


The Swift system, or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, facilitates financial transactions and money transfers for banks located around the world. The system is overseen by the National Bank of Belgium and enables transactions between more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries around the world. It sends more than 40 million messages a day, with trillions of dollars changing hands between companies and governments.

How does SWIFT work?

Swift operates the series of electronic messages that are sent between financial institutions (FIs) to facilitate the transfer of funds. These messages direct FIs to debit and credit accounts as required in order to complete a transaction.

What is a Bank Identification Code (BIC)?

A Bank Identification code or BIC Code, is assigned by Swift to a bank – these can be used by financial institutions to identify a bank, instead of using its name.

Russia and SWIFT: What has happened to Russia’s Swift access?

In a joint statement on February 26th the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US, Western leaders committed “to ensuring that selected Russian banks are removed from the Swift messaging system.” They argued that this would “ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally.” While the names of banks to be expelled have not yet been disclosed, a German government spokesperson said that all currently sanctioned banks will be affected, as well as other institutions if necessary.

The BBC reports that more than 1 percent of Swift messages are “thought to involve Russian payments.” Russia is particularly reliant on Swift for its oil and gas exports. Iran is the only country to have been removed from Swift before, which led to it losing 30 percent of its foreign trade.


Any expert here in crypto trading? I think it's better than gambling. Lose a bit but can win a lot.

The insignificant nobody me is for sure NO expert. But I can only share Human frailty....

The concept of money is ULTIMATELY based upon TRUST & CONFIDENCE, a concept that came from China when European Marco Polo whom came back from there to spread to Europe, at a time when Human population was still small & feudalism was the rule.

Just a piece of paper rather than bags & bags of gold that would be easily stolen....

To justify such trusts upon a piece of paper, it MUST be backed by facts & evidences. It took MANY MANY years for such trust to develop, & it began in Democratic USA, with its Rule of Law & MIGHT that even a simple Human with mere $100 would BANK in, in its GURANTEED safety WITH RETURNS on Savings, back by its hardworking, innovative citizens & institutions that uphold the Rule of Law. Had anyone had their ROI shortchanged thru official American Treasury notes?

Crypto is NOT based upon such REALITIES, but only upon SPECULATIONS. It is NOT based upon realities but only thru SPECULATIONS. The ones whom held it first at its lowest values are the biggest beneficiaries, & when they massively sell off at its height, one is left with NOTHING. It is just another, sadly, PONZI scheme...

At least the US dollar or nominal Nations that followed the US dollar system - Rule of Law, Justice, etc, WILL get back the value based upon that PROMISSARY NOTE denoted on that piece of paper you held. But with that crypto coin or pieces of it based upon percentages - you are on your own...



El-Erian Warns Fed After Jobs Data: ‘Inflation Is Not Dead’​

  • US job growth in September topped all estimates, data showed
  • Traders pull back on wagers on big Fed cuts to come this year

By Carter Johnson
October 4, 2024 at 9:46 PM GMT+8

Mohamed El-Erian says the Federal Reserve needs to renew its focus on its fight against rising prices after September’s surprisingly hot jobs report served as a reminder that “inflation is not dead.”

His comments came after Friday’s numbers blew away estimates, triggering a jump in US stocks and bond yields. Nonfarm payrolls rose by 254,000 in September, the most in six months.

Have a confidential tip for our reporters


Alfrescian (Inf)
The insignificant nobody me is for sure NO expert. But I can only share Human frailty....

The concept of money is ULTIMATELY based upon TRUST & CONFIDENCE, a concept that came from China when European Marco Polo whom came back from there to spread to Europe, at a time when Human population was still small & feudalism was the rule.

Just a piece of paper rather than bags & bags of gold that would be easily stolen....

To justify such trusts upon a piece of paper, it MUST be backed by facts & evidences. It took MANY MANY years for such trust to develop, & it began in Democratic USA, with its Rule of Law & MIGHT that even a simple Human with mere $100 would BANK in, in its GURANTEED safety WITH RETURNS on Savings, back by its hardworking, innovative citizens & institutions that uphold the Rule of Law. Had anyone had their ROI shortchanged thru official American Treasury notes?

Crypto is NOT based upon such REALITIES, but only upon SPECULATIONS. It is NOT based upon realities but only thru SPECULATIONS. The ones whom held it first at its lowest values are the biggest beneficiaries, & when they massively sell off at its height, one is left with NOTHING. It is just another, sadly, PONZI scheme...

At least the US dollar or nominal Nations that followed the US dollar system - Rule of Law, Justice, etc, WILL get back the value based upon that PROMISSARY NOTE denoted on that piece of paper you held. But with that crypto coin or pieces of it based upon percentages - you are on your own...
Just hit and run. When the price rise to your intended target, sell off for profits. This should be quite safe. What your thoughts, my wise man.


By the way, I have a bridge to sell in Manhattan USA, for only MD$1 Million ( Moon dollars, backed by the rich resource of Helium).

Just Paynow to my private phone number, which is linked to several banks accounts across the region - dial S-A-V-E-H-U-M-A-N-K-I-N-D, & the bridge is yours to collect toll charges which would be yours in millions USD daily by the amount of traffic daily.


Just hit and run. When the price rise to your intended target, sell off for profits. This should be quite safe. What your thoughts, my wise man.
Dream on bro... with Crypto, you will NEVER know when is the price rise or fall.

With accepted promissory notes, regardless if US dollars or the insane BRICS dollars, one can least watch & determine such rise or fall with the direction & Geo-political situations that such are heading, but with Crypto, as it is a speculative fund backed by NOTHING, you will NEVER know when is the price rise or fall.

While AI had helped many, it is still only Human based algorithms, & NO Human is perfect & thus algorithms are NOT perfect. One can create such, but so too another can create better, & worse - the current models of TRUE AI will NEVER give direct answers, but only PROBABILITIES, which are NOT Facts.

The so called Best AI in the current World lays in IBM, & ultimately it is still a mortal construction, with FAR FAR more to perfect which would take thousands of years, if possible, to compete with the fuzzy logic of the Human mind even today....
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