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Serious HKBu Demands Yandao Looks and 1-Carat Diamond to Marry



At least a 1-carat diamond ring for her, good looks and body shape for him: what Hong Kong brides-to-be and grooms look for from a partner​

  • Don’t have a ring? Most brides will say no to your proposal. And if you do buy one, the rock had better be big. But the spending doesn’t stop there
  • Photos, banquet, dresses and make-up, as well as betrothal money pushed the average cost of a wedding in the city in 2022 to over US$49,000


Kylie Knott

Kylie Knott
Published: 7:15am, 9 Dec, 2022

Why you can trust SCMP



A Hong Kong bride-to-be expects a big diamond in her engagement ring, and that’s just the start when it comes to wedding expenses. Photo: Instagram/ @alexfungphotography

A Hong Kong bride-to-be expects a big diamond in her engagement ring, and that’s just the start when it comes to wedding expenses. Photo: Instagram/ @alexfungphotography
When it comes to diamond engagement rings, size matters. Hong Kong brides-to-be want a rock that’s at least one carat.
That is one of the findings of e-commerce website ESDlife’s survey that asked 1,226 people, with marriage plans between 2022 and 2024, about their wedding spending.
If you don’t have a ring when you propose, prepare for the worst: more than half of the brides-to-be (56 per cent) said they would reject a proposal if it didn’t come with a ring.


Are hongkies getting dumber? I thought the gold as dowry is important...want diamonds for wat? Expensive to buy n cheap to sell n lab grown diamonds are bringing prices down that even debeers have backed out of their own monopoly


low fertility rate in developed countries are caused by women emancipation
no such problems in muslim nations