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HK family of 3 suicide @ home burning charcoal.

democracy my butt


【三屍命案】親友傷心認屍 鄰居:好驚呀

on.cc 東網

11.9k 人追蹤

2019年2月26日 下午12:03




【西營盤命案】fb留言稱很累 男死者:馬騮戲要落幕啦


17.1k 人追蹤

2019年2月26日 下午9:08


【星島日報報道】西營盤昨晩揭發三屍倫常慘案,一對夫婦疑因投資失利,餵7歲兒子服藥後在住所內燒炭死亡。42歲姓羅的男死者任職貿易公司,而40歲姓陳的女死者則在中原地產任職,為持牌營業員。男死者生前曾在社交網站facebook發文,內容透露生活面臨困難,曾稱「很累很累,可以點..... 係咪到此為止」,雖然曾獲朋友留言打氣,但最終攜同妻兒走上絕路。
男死者不時在facebook上發放正能量的帖文,亦偶然推銷靈芝孢子粉等傳銷產品。直至本月19日,他發文稱「很累很累,可以點..... 係咪到此為止」,其妻子其後留言稱:「快到終點!等等」。他當晚又在facebook上發文,指「我知道有啲人將我兩公婆現在嘅遭遇當成馬騮戲睇」、「馬騮戲依家要落幕啦,只係估唔到咁快。」。至22日,男死者再次發文,稱近日收到不少朋友WhatsApp關心,「明白正面思維好重要,但一個連明天都未必應付到嘅人,你叫佢點樣正面思維諗一星期、一個月、一年之後嘅事?」,又指「好多謝一直叫我們兩公婆努力加油唔好放棄嘅朋友,如果我們真係過到呢一關的話,我們會逐一搵你地出嚟食飯」。雖然死者的朋友紛紛留言鼓勵,惟兩人最終決定攜子尋死。
香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會: 23892222
撒瑪利亞會熱線(24小時中文及多種語言): 28960000
生命熱線: 23820000
社會福利署: 23432255
建立時間: 1508
更新時間: 2108

(No prefix)

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E3%80%90%E4%B8%89%E5%B1%8D%E5%91%BD%E6%A1%88%E3%80%91%E8 %A6%AA%E5%8F%8B%E5%82%B7%E5%BF%83%E8%AA%8D%E5%B1%8D-%E9%84%B0%E5%B1%85%EF% BC%9A%E5%A5%BD%E9%A9%9A%E5%91%80-040320205.html

[Three corpse murder] Relatives and friends are sad and confessed. Neighbors: So scared.

[on.cc east net]
On.cc East Net

11.9k person tracking

February 26, 2019, 12:03 PM

Relatives and friends left after recognizing the body. (photo by Lin Yaokang)

West Park Lun Chang three corpse tragedy, this morning (26th) at 9 o'clock, 3 female 1 male relatives and friends went to the Western Public mortuary to handle the corpse procedures, about 1 hour after the departure, everyone looked sad, the police later Anatomy to determine the cause of death.

In addition, the unit of the case was deeply locked today, and the iron gate left a trace of the door. Several umbrellas were hung on the gate. The agent had unsealed the scene but did not return to the investigation. According to a female neighbor, a detective told his family last night about the family involved. She said that the family and the maid had rented the site for about one year. I only saw them several times in the impression. I have never seen owner.

Another pair of mothers and daughters said that they were shocked after learning about the tragedy, but they would not consider moving away. Because they have a conscience, they need to avoid it. They also pointed out that the female head of household would say hello to the neighbors, and rarely see the male head of household, but from time to time heard the mother and son blame the foreign domestic helpers. No one has ever come to the door to collect debts or be harassed.

In the 37th year of the West Garden Yong Cui Loft, the building lifts are divided into single and double floors, and the unit of the case is a single floor. According to Lu Tai, the female head of the double-floor, she has not seen the family involved, because she will not ride the lift together, but she is saddened by the incident because the children are innocent.

The surname of the female head of Liang said that many firefighters were seen last night. I don’t know what happened. I only know that firefighters are required to break the door. It was only after she saw the news this morning that she was aware of the tragedy. Liang believes that adults should deal with debt problems positively, and children are innocent. In addition, she also pointed out that the West Park is adjacent to the MTR Sai Ying Pun Station. There are many restaurants nearby and the building has been refurbished. Therefore, the price of the building has increased several times in recent years. As the unit issued a life case, it is believed that it will affect the property price. Liang Yanyan sympathizes with the case and sends the unit owner.

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/西營盤命案-fb留 %E8%A8%80%E7%A8%B1%E5%BE%88%E7%B4%AF-%E7%94%B7%E6%AD%BB%E8%80%85-%E9%A6%AC %E9%A8%AE%E6%88%B2%E8%A6%81%E8%90%BD%E5%B9%95%E5%95%A6-130800876.html

[Xiying disk murder case] fb message said very tired Male deceased: Ma Yu opera to be closed

[Sing Tao Daily]
Sing Tao Daily

17.1k person tracking

February 26, 2019, 9:08 PM

The couple uploaded photos of their sons from time to time. Net map

[Sing Tao Daily reported] Xiying Pan yesterday revealed three cases of corpse death, a couple suspected of losing investment, feeding a 7-year-old son to take medicine after burning charcoal in the residence. The 42-year-old Luo’s male deceased was employed as a trading company, while the 40-year-old Chen’s female deceased was employed in Zhongyuan Real Estate as a licensed salesperson. The male deceased had published a message on the social networking site Facebook during his lifetime. The content revealed that he was facing difficulties in life. He once said that he was "very tired and tired, and he could order it..... This is the end of the program". Although he was beaten by friends, he eventually brought his wife. The children are on the road.

From time to time, the male deceased issued a positive energy post on Facebook, and occasionally promoted MLM products such as Ganoderma lucidum spore powder. Until the 19th of this month, he issued a document saying that "it is very tired and tired, you can order ..... The microphone is here." The wife then commented: "Come to the end! Wait." He also posted a letter on Facebook that night, saying, "I know that there are monks who will treat my two in-laws as a horse-riding singer", "The horses are going to be at home, and they are only estimated to be fast." On the 22nd, the male deceased once again issued a document saying that he had received many friends from WhatsApp in recent days. "It is important to understand positive thinking, but one will not be able to cope with the future. You can call it a week, one month, one month. "After a year," said, "Thank you for reminding us that our two in-laws are working hard to refuel and give up their friends. If we really have a relationship, we will go out and eat your meals one by one." Although the friends of the deceased had a message to encourage, the two finally decided to bring their children to death.

According to the deceased's neighbors, the last time the deceased's family appeared on the previous day (this Sunday) was not the same at the time; however, the deceased couple had investment stocks on weekdays and heard that they had revealed to the people that the recent investment was unsuccessful and seemed to have financial problems.

At about 8:25 last night, a female neighbor smelled a coke smell on the 23rd floor of Wing Chui Court, No. 83, Sai Ying Pun Second Street, and called for help. Police officers and firefighters came to the scene for a long time. No one had opened the door, and the firefighters broke into the house. I was shocked to see that two of the adult men and one boy and one boy were comatose in the same bed. Initial tests confirmed that three people had apparently died.


Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Association: 23892222

Samaritan Hotline (24 hours Chinese and multilingual): 28960000

HA mental health line (24 hours consultation): 24667350

Caritas to the hotline: 18288

Lifeline: 23820000

Social Welfare Department: 23432255

Established: 1508

Updated: 2108

https://hk.news.yahoo.com/西營盤命案-fb留 %E8%A8%80%E7%A8%B1%E5%BE%88%E7%B4%AF-%E7%94%B7%E6%AD%BB%E8%80%85-%E9%A6%AC %E9%A8%AE%E6%88%B2%E8%A6%81%E8%90%BD%E5%B9%95%E5%95%A6-130800876.html

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