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History professor at SMU said there are at least 10,000 undetonated bombs in Bukit Timah area


Every week i saw sport bra xmm and yoga pant zeh zeh go to Bt Timah for hiking leh


Alfrescian (Inf)
may be not more than 69 as japs didn’t drop so many. but since japs occupied sg with airbases all over, they might have stashed a few thousand in depots and caverns among the hills. only the brits had more than 10k bombs as they stockpiled them for war but might have relocated them after bombs became obsolete.
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There you go....



Just leave them alone. If you don't disturb them they won't disturb you.
But many big shot sirs have great grand plan to huat big big but timah into a global Atas Enclavement de....

there will be many development plans on drawing broad liao eg new MRT line to tunnel below Bt Timah reserve, leemember?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
But many big shot sirs have great grand plan to huat big big but timah into a global Atas Enclavement de....

there will be many development plans on drawing broad liao eg new MRT line to tunnel below Bt Timah reserve, leemember?

All this development does not make people any happier. Most just want a simple life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Bukit Timah is a big place:

1) Upper Bukit Timah all the way till the Rail Mall
2) Middle part
3) Lower part, northern gate of Botanic Gardens until Stevens Road


Bukit timah rifle range Road is the area they build grenades and bombs . Of course there will be 10k undetonated ones.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All this development does not make people any happier. Most just want a simple life.

The PAP technocrats know the price of everything but the value of nothing. :wink:

That's why even horse racing is not spared. :whistling:

The name of the game is to build, demolish, rebuild and repeat, the only way totalitarian regimes know how to reliably grow the economy. :cool:

One day they may yet choke on their aspirations. :biggrin: