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History explains why there are so many Teochews in Thailand


Alfrescian (Inf)
instigating a hokkien-teochew clan war now? canto vs hokkien and hakka vs hokkien clan wars not enough? no wonder chinks so disunited. it’s because of aunties like you creating conflict among clans.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
instigating a hokkien-teochew clan war now? canto vs hokkien and hakka vs hokkien clan wars not enough? no wonder chinks so disunited. it’s because of aunties like you creating conflict among clans.
Aunty Gin wants to be the Queen of the Chinks. In order to do that, she needs to create distractions :biggrin:


Old Fart
My girlfriend likes my smooth ass ok. Dunch pray pray. :biggrin: She always comment wHy my ass is so smooth and nice to grab during intimacy :biggrin: Really no bluff :biggrin:
Wow, very happy for you.:biggrin: May your kar chng be smooth and nice for a long time.:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
simi si STT?:confused:
