In 1981 , Prince Charles marry and Pope die.
In 2005 , Prince Charles marry and Pope die again
In 1986 , Russia nuclear plant lick and US bomb Lybia
In 2011 , Japan nuclear plant lick and US bomb Lybia again
I know some time peoples like to sees patterns in thing that have happens , but the 2 big news in the past 2 week make Leelaopeh remember 25 year ago .
Last time when Chenolbyl lick , Russia also tell every bodies it is not dangerous . Then Europe people scold Russia becuase they cover up the true . After long time then peoples know what the accident damages is .
Untill today , the mushroom in Russia forrest cannot eat by peoples . This nuclear lick in Japan also will have longterm effect on our foods and waters . We also wont know untill the earth shake rescue is finish .