it's a frogs in a well syndrome. until they live abroad long enough to feel their collective rears getting screwed time and time again, they would not appreciate the good things about sg. the reason why so many foreign investors are parking their money there these few years is due to the composite stellar performance of roi metrics with all factors considered, including but not limited to strong governance, stability, security, consistency, reliability, and surprisingly, privacy. the best folks to provide advice here on an apple for apple comparison on roi, fund and investment performance (including the so called or alleged "underperforming" cpf) are those who have been there, done that, seen it all overseas, especially in 1st world countries, and have decided to walk the talk by plunging their capital in sg, after exhaustive analysis. i'm regretful that i've not done it sooner in re-investing in sg.
is it because other countries citizens do not take kindly to their asses being screwed thats why roi/performance/metrics/blah blah blah is so good?can someone tell me why so many people eschew singapore as being the best place in the world yet they choose to reside in another country?lots of these hypocrites here.or is it benefits can only be enjoyed if u are not the one providing the benefits(singapore citizens giving blowjobs to foreigners and foreign investors).
after all in order for u to win(the investors),someone has to lose,and guess who the losers are?its a negative sum game.
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