LOL! It seems that you are avoiding to answer the question! May I know why?
Let me ask again, If there is a God, are you saying that God
1. Cannot create the universe in 6 days?
2. Cannot part the Red Sea?
3. Cannot cause a Virgin Birth
4. Cannot raise the dead aka Resurrection?
Of course I know not everyone accept the above as true, but note that this is NOT what I am asking you now, I am asking you whether the above is possible if there is a God. Remember you just conclude all the above is impossible. And you concluded thus BECAUSE of certain assumptions (IF) that you have made about reality and the universe. So now I am asking, if you adopt (just for the sake of argument, not asking you to convert so don't panic ok) a theistic assumption what would your answer be?
BTW, the info you just pasted did not give evidence for the evolution of mozzies. Citing more species of the mozzie kind is NOT evolution which means a non-mozzie evolving into a mozzie. You have no hard evidence for that. The only hard evidence (fossil or amber) you have does not support your evolution belief at all. So how can you just say that it is, when it is not? Every species of mozzie you show me will simply be another specie of the mozzie. What has evolved really? It seems you have put critical thinking on the backbench when it comes to this.
You asked a very simple question. How did God create the mosquito? Well, the Bible did not say "And God created the mozzie" so the reasonable answer is that He created the mozzie the same way He created the other living things as well, be it on Day 5 or day 6. If you want to believe in evolution, however absurd, that's up to you. For me, God created the mozzie fully functional at the get-go. You have to believe that the mozzie had to take millions of years to separately evolve the different parts. But you never give a thought that each incomplete stage of development is a recipe ripe for disaster as natural selection weeds it out of the system.
I think you are pretty ignorant about history and what Christianity has done in terms of civilisation and progression. You really think that Christians do not think about agriculture and solving world problems? Other than this allegation that is completely unfounded, can you provide REAL evidence that Christians just expect manna from heaven? Mind you, the Bible never teaches that Christians should expect manna from heaven, that was a one time event during the wilderness experience of Israel, and never taught as a recurrent provision for all believers everywhere at all times.