How many people are in her closed Facebook group? 100, 300, 500, 800? Or perhaps just 5? Even if it is 5, that is 5 too many.
Moving away from her, on a broader issue, people can say things within the confines of their homes or in a table at a restaurant. However, if someone who is a public personality makes a racist remark to friends at a dinner table and one of the friends took a video recording of the remarks and uploaded it on YouTube, who is in the wrong? It seems to me that the person who uttered the racist remarks is in the wrong, not the person who recorded and broadcast it. That is why media around the world conduct sting operations all the time. Someone who is a public personality and respected by the public is expected to have high standards and not to have overt racist views. If such a person held such views then the public needs to know about it.
In the same way, I support WikiLeaks' expose. I don't support hypocrisy.