Mercury is very dangerous, Read about it in:
When was mercury banned in dental fillings in Spore
Some of my fillings are very old & if I were to have them taken out the mecury might be released into my body.
Don't you know that nowadays there a few hundred man made chemicals out there other than asbestos
In modern buildings, all those chemicals are trapped in the closed buidings & people are constantly exposed to these chemicals
Same thing with lead, you will notice the cumulative effects of lead only when you are in your 30's. 40's ,.... Lead accumulates in the body, same thing with the chemicals. Its only when you are older that all the accumulated pollutants start to interfere with one's health.
I've done IV chealtion at a doctors office at $300/per session. As well as undergoing oral chelation at home. In my case it was after 20+ sessions before I really felt better, and 30+ session before I felt great enough to do more strenuous exercises.
Intravenous chelations therapy has been around for 40+ years & no one has died from it. IV chelation can only done at a medical doctors office because it involves a needle. After each 3 hour session the patient is given supplements to replace any minerals that might have been loss. It is a simple procedure where a patient is hooked up to an intravenous drip containing EDT, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C,...
However the fact that Oral chelation using EDTA (Calcium Disodium EDTA) is available at Spore health stores shows that EDT is not a controlled substance i.e. safe
Other than EDT, oral chelation involve ingesting modified citrus pectin, MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) , NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), cliantro, chlorella, garlic,... All available at your neighborhood health store.
Its been 3 years since my heart attack. My cardiologist wanted to put in stents but couldn't because too many arteries were blocked. He recommended open heart surgery but after some research I decided not to take that course. Using chelation & supplements I'm getting on with life
When was mercury banned in dental fillings in Spore

Some of my fillings are very old & if I were to have them taken out the mecury might be released into my body.
Don't you know that nowadays there a few hundred man made chemicals out there other than asbestos

Same thing with lead, you will notice the cumulative effects of lead only when you are in your 30's. 40's ,.... Lead accumulates in the body, same thing with the chemicals. Its only when you are older that all the accumulated pollutants start to interfere with one's health.
I've done IV chealtion at a doctors office at $300/per session. As well as undergoing oral chelation at home. In my case it was after 20+ sessions before I really felt better, and 30+ session before I felt great enough to do more strenuous exercises.
Intravenous chelations therapy has been around for 40+ years & no one has died from it. IV chelation can only done at a medical doctors office because it involves a needle. After each 3 hour session the patient is given supplements to replace any minerals that might have been loss. It is a simple procedure where a patient is hooked up to an intravenous drip containing EDT, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C,...
However the fact that Oral chelation using EDTA (Calcium Disodium EDTA) is available at Spore health stores shows that EDT is not a controlled substance i.e. safe
Other than EDT, oral chelation involve ingesting modified citrus pectin, MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) , NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), cliantro, chlorella, garlic,... All available at your neighborhood health store.
Its been 3 years since my heart attack. My cardiologist wanted to put in stents but couldn't because too many arteries were blocked. He recommended open heart surgery but after some research I decided not to take that course. Using chelation & supplements I'm getting on with life

the danger of mercury was overstated. there is a reason why Hg was used as dental filling in the past due to its inertness and our body do not really absorb Hg that well. its way below the threshold of the body.
nevertheless, Hg filling has long being banned so this is a myth that our dental filling has Hg.
close office environment or old building risk getting cancer is not due to heavy metal, but Asbestos. but even that has being banned in new building, many of the old one are in the process of removing it but the pace was ....... i was involved ever in a test on the amount of Pb that our car released into a section of a busy road somewhere in dover. The amount of Pb present in the dust was way below my standard calibrated curve. so sincerely i doubt your medical report as a office worker you have a high amount of Pb in your body. unless that section of the road is all from malaysia (even malaysia used unleaded), i highly doubt anyone living in Sg can have high exposure to Pb unless you are working in paint industry etc.
chelation without doctor supervision is a danger, chelating ions are non specific they chelate all ions present including the vital one like Ca,Mg.