Maboro Tan was an arrogant prick who is NOT ACCOUNTABLE to peasants because he need only to please Old Autocrat.
He order the baboons at Housing Mafia to stonewall peasants' requests or demands to know the actual cost of pigeonhole construction.
This is only possible in a procedural democracy riddled with Dynastic Politics.
Well, sad to say that now, SGP is nothing but an Imperialism under the disguise of democratic meritorious capitalism...
But truly it's more of an Imperialism hidden in under a Socialist System...
From my little knowledge of political advancement for civilization...
First, it's Fueduelism... next, Imperialism / Dynastical, Democratic, Capitalism, Socialist, and finally Communist (What Carl Marx wrote is true...)
But many people on earth got the message wrong from Carl Marx...
I believe that for communism to work, there need to have a basic capitalism structure first, where everyone have their fill of all sorts of needs from goods and services first, then people could truly progress to socialism... and when most people have achieved to a state of equality in goods and services distribution, only then Communism of the highest order could be achieved....
Only then could there be world peace where everyone is working towards a common goal...
But... bringing back to the point... I think we are all being shoot back to the Dynastic Era, with everyone's Goods and Services being priced so high, and have no choice but to pay hefty price to get it...
what really happened here? what happen to the national pledge?
why can't people live with a lower cost of living, and a higher standard of living? why everything have to be just money money money?