Haze forecast for July 15: 24-hr PM2.5 to be slightly elevated

Sunday, Jul 14, 2013
SINGAPORE - As at 4pm today, the 24-hr PSI is 35-40 and the 24-hr PM2.5 is 24-28µg/m3.
For the next few days, the low level winds are forecast to be south-easterly.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Sunday that thundery showers are expected tomorrow morning.
The 24-hr PSI for the next 24 hours is expected to be in the Good band (i.e.≤ 50). The 24-hr PM2.5 is expected to be slightly elevated.
Health Advisory (14 Jul 2013, 6.00pm – 15 Jul 2013, 6.00pm)
Based on the 24-hr PSI and 24-hr PM2.5 forecast, the health advisory for this period corresponds to the PSI <100 band in the MOH Health Advisory for the General Public and Workers, as follows:
Normal activities for:
- Healthy persons
- Elderly, pregnant women, children
- Persons with chronic medical conditions especially lung or heart disease
Persons who are not feeling well should seek medical attention.
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