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Serious Hawkers At Albert Hawker Centre Paid $1170 Per Month For Cleaner Serf! Yet Have To Ownself Clear Ownself Wash In The End! Fucking Losers!


they need to change the stallholder committee. I think I see them most days just sit there talking and doing nothing. Do the sums and you know the cleaning vendor is overpaid for the service they are providing




Alfrescian (Inf)
Some cronies in charge of the cleaning operations huat big time. :biggrin:

I also suspect such articles are published to justify bringing in robot cleaners, supposedly for lowering costs but in reality fulfilling the delusional fantasies of the technocrats regarding 'smart' cities. :wink:


i am a hawker centre addict. albert centre IS the dirtiest HC in spore.........floor is totally oily and ventilation is so poor u gonna wear an oxygen mask...knn


Alfrescian (Inf)
i am a hawker centre addict. albert centre IS the dirtiest HC in spore.........floor is totally oily and ventilation is so poor u gonna wear an oxygen mask...knn

Who is the MP there? :biggrin:

I go there often and over the years, I've noticed a high turnover of stalls. Some of the newer stalls cannot make it... good luck finding out which are the ones for yourself. :wink:


Who is the MP there? :biggrin:

I go there often and over the years, I've noticed a high turnover of stalls. Some of the newer stalls cannot make it... good luck finding out which are the ones for yourself. :wink:
for a HC with close to 90 stalls, they don't have good stalls and the taste is often average only. I can only put it down to the stall holders catering to the mainly PG/Merdeka patrons. Anyone younger than these 2 groups will not find the food there any good.