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hawker centre stall rent bid $5k. pap laugh happily to the bank as consumer will pay higher food prices




The moslem halal cooked stall has a bid rent of $480, less than 10% of the chink hawker cooked food stall.

Guess if the moslem stall will sell their food at a 50% discount compared to the chink food?
that's because they are smarter to bid lower. the chinese hawkers are stupid. just like those coe bidders


Maybe that's why I go hawker ctr afternoon Chinese stalls all open but malay stalls all close already... relac

Scrooball (clone)

Sell 50 plates a day = $4 x 50 = $200 per day
$5,000 rental divide by $200/day = 25 days per month that the hawker needs to open and sell 1,250 plates

1) Rental = $5,000 per month
2) Chicken and other ingredients? I am assuming that they cost approx 50% of the selling price = 50% of $4 = $2 x 1,250 plates per month = $2,500 ingredient cost
3) 1 staff ($2,500)

Total (very conservative estimate) = $10,000

And that's not even factoring in other costs:
https://www.yonghuatss.com.sg/cost-...EA, the total,cost comes from raw ingredients.

  • Table-cleaning fees (for cooked food stall) – $300 to $550
  • Service & Conservancy charges for the first month – $130 to $450
  • Hawker license fee for up to 3 years – $33
  • Deposit of two months’ rent – $3000 to $4500
  • Kitchen equipment – $5000 to $12000

According to NEA, the total average monthly operating costs of a typical stall range from $8000 to $9200.

The operating costs include worker salary, stall rental, utilities and other costs such as table cleaning. However, the biggest operating cost comes from raw ingredients.

The Total Amount

To sum up, here is a cost breakdown that a typical hawker stall could incur for newcomers:

Initial set up costs: $17,000 to $20,000​

Opportunity costs: $20,000​

Monthly Operating Cost: $8,000 to $15,000​



Sell 50 plates a day = $4 x 50 = $200 per day
$5,000 rental divide by $200/day = 25 days per month that the hawker needs to open and sell 1,250 plates

1) Rental = $5,000 per month
2) Chicken and other ingredients? I am assuming that they cost approx 50% of the selling price = 50% of $4 = $2 x 1,250 plates per month = $2,500 ingredient cost
3) 1 staff ($2,500)

Total (very conservative estimate) = $10,000

And that's not even factoring in other costs:
https://www.yonghuatss.com.sg/cost-of-setting-up-a-hawker-stall-in-singapore/#:~:text=According to NEA, the total,cost comes from raw ingredients.

  • Table-cleaning fees (for cooked food stall) – $300 to $550
  • Service & Conservancy charges for the first month – $130 to $450
  • Hawker license fee for up to 3 years – $33
  • Deposit of two months’ rent – $3000 to $4500
  • Kitchen equipment – $5000 to $12000

According to NEA, the total average monthly operating costs of a typical stall range from $8000 to $9200.

The operating costs include worker salary, stall rental, utilities and other costs such as table cleaning. However, the biggest operating cost comes from raw ingredients.

The Total Amount

To sum up, here is a cost breakdown that a typical hawker stall could incur for newcomers:

Initial set up costs: $17,000 to $20,000​

Opportunity costs: $20,000​

Monthly Operating Cost: $8,000 to $15,000​

you got count gas electricity and water?


To bid for a NEA managed Hawker stall, it is up to NEA to consider SEVERAL factors before approving bid, such as even attending & passing the Basic Food Hygiene Course (BFHC) amongst many others procedures.

Equally NEA is SUPPOSED to consider the MARKET conditions of the tenderer, eg:- if there are too many drinks stalls, in the area, it would be FOOLISH to approve another tenderer doing the same, as the competition will kill off the hawker & waste the time to approve & set up the conditions for the stall to be operated as well as the operator's effort, NO MATTER how HIGH the operator is willing to bid, even if in thousands.

However, NEA is a Public Funded agency and DO have to show results - the more revenue it makes in rents, the more it can sustain itself as well as career advancements for the management teams. No mortal is perfect, & perfect considerations may had been overlooked,

For Food Service Providers (FSP), a term that the insignificant nobody me would rather use than 'hawkers' as they bear NO resemblances to unhygienic hawkers of old, with pushcarts & selling food even beside dirty drains. they are mostly NEW entrepreneurs of this modern age, whom may had attempt to change their lives working for others & getting only pennies in return, with now trying their best to earn a bit more for themselves & UPLIFT their families. They are the modern SMEs of our forefathers whom build up Singapore to what it is today.

Singapore is a well placed location in the World & OPPORTUNITIES abound. However, NOT all will become successful entrepreneurs, as not many had bothered about research in both of what they are offering/servicing & the RESPONSES from the Market. But the FSP attempt is what will groom successful entrepreneurs, whom have little education or even the OPPORTUNITY to do so in the journey of life.

If they bid less & are unsuccessful, it would be an important NATIONAL & FAMILY lesson learnt, to move on to the next step to CONTRIBUTE to our Society in other ways, such as better learnt entrepreneurship or gainful employment. If they bid less BUT are successful, they will be MOTIVATED & ENCOURAGED to go further, with expansion & will FOR SURE contribute to our society thru GST taxes, thus our Elected govt will never lose any revenue.

Therefore, NEA WILL have to take such into account equally in its award of tenders,& not base on AMOUNT$ ALONE, to those whom deserve A CHANCE & not those whom are well off, as there are MANY, MANY hawker stalls in Singapore & a chance for FELLOW CITIZENS whom aspire to higher heights. It is NOT easy to maintain a stall, as it takes perseverance, patience, a deep pocket & ability to stand for long hrs to serve food to customers, etc.

The great & late CK Tang, epitomized such values. He was considered a mere hawker back then, hawking trinkets door to door, honest scrimping, learnt intelligence thru experiences & hard savings, & thru such values, built up a BIZ EMPIRE in Singapore, thru good & even hard times, but leaving a LASTING legacy to his heirs & an example to fellow citizens... There are MANY MORE like him, & they are the role models we Singaporeans need to emulate to evolve & progress, than dependence upon deep pocket orgs regardless if thru honest or dubious means to grow wealth as such will only leave Singapore & citizens high & dry when times are hard along with every single penny of their wealth.

Singapore practices a Free Market Economy, but NOT a FREE FOR ALL market economy. It has to be REGULATED, to ENSURE that a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD exists so that ALL can participate it in order to honestly & SUSTAINABLY grow the economy in several aspects that affects everything, including governance, for progress & evolution of not just a single Human, or citizen, but ALL Humanity.

Currently, it seems that there is an INFLUX of HONG KONG SOYA CHICKEN RICE in Singapore. One can easily find it in almost every estate. I had tasted several of such, & found it no different from the regular LOCAL chicken rice that are poached or roasted. Such so called HONG KONG SOYA CHICKEN RICE are NOTHING compared to the REAL LOCAL SOYA CHICKEN RICE found in Chinatown. The differences may lay in the ingredients & sauces.

May NEA be more discerning. Strong, nationally inclusive management is needed rather than the career minded officers, or else, the hawker tender system will be a runaway system like COE, depriving our OWN fellow citizens a chance in life, & worse - fellow citizens paying even MORE for fast prepared food at even HIGHER prices just because a supposed FSP has deep pockets or organization, to bid higher & then pass the costs to customers as usually is the case, & cause a rise in inflationary pressure & dent the wallets of our productive & hardworking Singaporean workers with nothing left to save for rainy days or for needed recreation from work, as no Human is born to live to work like robots, but only to work thru honest means, in order to live life...

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Byebye Penis

actually this process in NEA is shady.

The bidding process is not transparent. In recent years, there have been people who get to bid for stalls with better demand/pricing info. You must know who to say hi to, in NEA.

syed putra

The moslem halal cooked stall has a bid rent of $480, less than 10% of the chink hawker cooked food stall.

Guess if the moslem stall will sell their food at a 50% discount compared to the chink food?
That comensurate with population ratio.


It should be fixed flat rent for every hawker stall everywhere but allotment based on food type to avoid duplication and ballot to avoid high prices


The moslem halal cooked stall has a bid rent of $480, less than 10% of the chink hawker cooked food stall.

Guess if the moslem stall will sell their food at a 50% discount compared to the chink food?
Dude....50% discount for m&ds /mudslimes only....all others pay normal price and even more. And reason why it's 500 bucks is cost they might open only at night...or day...n Friday close and fasting month close for a month etc etc. Than after fasting month close for another month as they fast the month b4....etc...If pay 5k rent. No way can support the rent...


To bid for a NEA managed Hawker stall, it is up to NEA to consider SEVERAL factors before approving bid, such as even attending & passing the Basic Food Hygiene Course (BFHC) amongst many others procedures.

Equally NEA is SUPPOSED to consider the MARKET conditions of the tenderer, eg:- if there are too many drinks stalls, in the area, it would be FOOLISH to approve another tenderer doing the same, as the competition will kill off the hawker & waste the time to approve & set up the conditions for the stall to be operated as well as the operator's effort, NO MATTER how HIGH the operator is willing to bid, even if in thousands.

However, NEA is a Public Funded agency and DO have to show results - the more revenue it makes in rents, the more it can sustain itself as well as career advancements for the management teams. No mortal is perfect, & perfect considerations may had been overlooked,

For Food Service Providers (FSP), a term that the insignificant nobody me would rather use than 'hawkers' as they bear NO resemblances to unhygienic hawkers of old, with pushcarts & selling food even beside dirty drains. they are mostly NEW entrepreneurs of this modern age, whom may had attempt to change their lives working for others & getting only pennies in return, with now trying their best to earn a bit more for themselves & UPLIFT their families. They are the modern SMEs of our forefathers whom build up Singapore to what it is today.

Singapore is a well placed location in the World & OPPORTUNITIES abound. However, NOT all will become successful entrepreneurs, as not many had bothered about research in both of what they are offering/servicing & the RESPONSES from the Market. But the FSP attempt is what will groom successful entrepreneurs, whom have little education or even the OPPORTUNITY to do so in the journey of life.

If they bid less & are unsuccessful, it would be an important NATIONAL & FAMILY lesson learnt, to move on to the next step to CONTRIBUTE to our Society in other ways, such as better learnt entrepreneurship or gainful employment. If they bid less BUT are successful, they will be MOTIVATED & ENCOURAGED to go further, with expansion & will FOR SURE contribute to our society thru GST taxes, thus our Elected govt will never lose any revenue.

Therefore, NEA WILL have to take such into account equally in its award of tenders,& not base on AMOUNT$ ALONE, to those whom deserve A CHANCE & not those whom are well off, as there are MANY, MANY hawker stalls in Singapore & a chance for FELLOW CITIZENS whom aspire to higher heights. It is NOT easy to maintain a stall, as it takes perseverance, patience, a deep pocket & ability to stand for long hrs to serve food to customers, etc.

The great & late CK Tang, epitomized such values. He was considered a mere hawker back then, hawking trinkets door to door, honest scrimping, learnt intelligence thru experiences & hard savings, & thru such values, built up a BIZ EMPIRE in Singapore, thru good & even hard times, but leaving a LASTING legacy to his heirs & an example to fellow citizens... There are MANY MORE like him, & they are the role models we Singaporeans need to emulate to evolve & progress, than dependence upon deep pocket orgs regardless if thru honest or dubious means to grow wealth as such will only leave Singapore & citizens high & dry when times are hard along with every single penny of their wealth.

Singapore practices a Free Market Economy, but NOT a FREE FOR ALL market economy. It has to be REGULATED, to ENSURE that a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD exists so that ALL can participate it in order to honestly & SUSTAINABLY grow the economy in several aspects that affects everything, including governance, for progress & evolution of not just a single Human, or citizen, but ALL Humanity.

Currently, it seems that there is an INFLUX of HONG KONG SOYA CHICKEN RICE in Singapore. One can easily find it in almost every estate. I had tasted several of such, & found it no different from the regular LOCAL chicken rice that are poached or roasted. Such so called HONG KONG SOYA CHICKEN RICE are NOTHING compared to the REAL LOCAL SOYA CHICKEN RICE found in Chinatown. The differences may lay in the ingredients & sauces.

May NEA be more discerning. Strong, nationally inclusive management is needed rather than the career minded officers, or else, the hawker tender system will be a runaway system like COE, depriving our OWN fellow citizens a chance in life, & worse - fellow citizens paying even MORE for fast prepared food at even HIGHER prices just because a supposed FSP has deep pockets or organization, to bid higher & then pass the costs to customers as usually is the case, & cause a rise in inflationary pressure & dent the wallets of our productive & hardworking Singaporean workers with nothing left to save for rainy days or for needed recreation from work, as no Human is born to live to work like robots, but only to work thru honest means, in order to live life...

U play the saxo phone? So long winded. :cautious:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dude....50% discount for m&ds /mudslimes only....all others pay normal price and even more. And reason why it's 500 bucks is cost they might open only at night...or day...n Friday close and fasting month close for a month etc etc. Than after fasting month close for another month as they fast the month b4....etc...If pay 5k rent. No way can support the rent...

See how well PAP takes care of the muuds? No wonder most muuds vote for PAP during elections.