Why are some PAPpy doggies suggesting that the minitoots of the little red dot be paid even more for doing a mediocre job? These people are already the world's highest paid civil servants!!! Not only that, there are so many of them (100s of overpaid and under worked minitoots, MPs, mayors, Perm Secs etc) just to manage a little red dot the size of New York city, San Francisco, Paris or London.
Some of these overpaid civil servants have even admitted that they are paid alot for doing nothing!! Come on now, we do not begrudge some of these people a decent wage for doing a job that they put in a reasonable effort or if they slog for the well being of the citizens (whom they are supposed to "serve"); after all, remember that all of the above mentioned are civil servants, even the President, and they are being paid for by the citizens.
If the civil servants are corrupt or do a bad job, just fire or replace them or throw them in jail. We do not need to overpay these guys just to "uncorrupt them". All the gahmen needs to do is to setup a system of checks and balances to keep their own house in order, just like what many other countries do. There is no need to pay civil servants millions and make the little red dot the laughing stock of the world, in order for the gahmen to "do a good job".