Before I go and convert others, I would like to convert you first. My faith will be strengthened when you have converted. faith of trying convert people is very weak. This is normal as the Bible has said: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25).
So trying to convert people like you is like asking you go through the eye of a needle! Really, you need very, very strong faith - and I don't have that...admittedly.
For us as born-again Christians, our faith is very personal - between God and us. If people refused to listen to the truth, that's their business. But we are faithful to His Word and our job is to keeping telling the truth and it is up to people (like you) to accept or to reject.
We are blessed because we know the truth and we have accepted the truth, the truth that God has sent His son, Jesus to reveal to us of who God is and what God has installed for us as believers.
God Bless