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Harris or Trump

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Hillary will get pussy and non whites votes. whites male will go for Trump.
looks like close fight. biden shouldn't have folded....


Hillary will get pussy and non whites votes. whites male will go for Trump.
looks like close fight. biden shouldn't have folded....
Like that machaim like Good Old Time WWF Hulk Hogan vs Kamala ...The Ultimate Lee--Match



Trump has already shown that he is a good president. N Korea was making a lot of noise before Trump got elected. After Trump met Kim twice, peace and quiet for 4 years, noise started again after Biden got elected. During Covid briefings, Trump would frequently cut short the briefings with the reason that he had a call with Putin. Shows that there was at least dialogue between the two. When did Putin attack Ukraine? After Biden got elected. :cautious::devilish::tongue: