THIS URBAN JUNGLE<!-- [END] header --><!-- [START] contentwrapper --><!-- fire plugin onDocumentReady -->Woman arrested after climbing over railing to grab ceiling sculpture at Changi Airport T1
Posted on 03 November 2013 | 52,092 views | 28 comments | 35 shares
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TT spotted a woman who had clambered onto netting suspended high above the ground at Changi Airport to reach a sculpture mounted on the ceiling. She was later arrested for damaging it.
A Police spokesperson says that the woman, who is in her 30s, was arrested under the Mental Health Act. She had been pulled to safety by police officers prior to her arrest.
According to the STOMPer, the woman was later arrested by police and led away in handcuffs.
The STOMPer wrote:
"This lady was seen endangering her own life on Nov 2 at about 8.25am at Changi Airport Terminal 1.
"She had climbed over the glass panel onto the netting."
This is not the first time that people have pulled such stunts in public. On Sep 16,
a youth climbed into a fountain at Marina Bay Sands. He hurt himself in the process however, and he had to be rescued by a friend.