Amazon fresh has no delivery slots. I went to Cold Storage yesterday and I could see empty shelvessalted fish, those salted ngorh herh, yes.
abalone, expensive leh
Amazon fresh has no delivery slots. I went to Cold Storage yesterday and I could see empty shelvessalted fish, those salted ngorh herh, yes.
abalone, expensive leh
Try securing the delivery during mid-night, easier to get a slot for the next couple of days.Amazon fresh has no delivery slots. I went to Cold Storage yesterday and I could see empty shelves
Pinkie was right after all! COVID seems to be less lethal than SARS!In the meantime the ah neh variant continues to disappoint.
I’ve stocked up on dried food, hope you are prepared too.
salted fish, those salted ngorh herh, yes.
abalone, expensive leh
My suggestion is to assassinate and execute all doctors and nurses and medical personnel in Singapore. Eliminate all medical information printed, written and on the internet block all of it.
Demolish all hospitals and clinics in Singapore. Destroy all medical equipment.
Sack and kick out all the biomedical companies.
No more healthcare system. Nobody will be sick. They would have just caught some bad spirits. Go to the church. Mosque. Temple. Pray.
Healthcare is sickcare and it is killing everyone.
Why say so? I go to hospital often. Everything I see the docs and nurses, i feel like marrying them.
in this world, u just need a few good friends. You will die faster if you try to please the whole world.You are the minority.
Most people hate doctors and nurses.
Put it this way. Who ever is happy to have to go to hospital? (besides seeing normal newborn baby)
Most people are sad and worried when have to go hospital or see doctor.
Unfortunately when it comes to medicine you gotta please the this world, u just need a few good friends. You will die faster if you try to please the whole world.
Unfortunately when it comes to medicine you gotta please the patient.
Patient say what got to try not to disagree try to find common ground etc.
Make patient upset they dont feel heard dont feel like you doing what they want then go complain to college. College will always side with patient.
If anyhow do what patient want then family member angry you dr luan lai one also complain to college. College will come down hard on you also say you cannot just follow what patient want.
So you say leh? Please every damn person lah.
Dont have lah.Don't you have any kind, gentle, patients wearing translucent tops seeking your medical expertise and keep thanking you?
sure have right?
This part i agree but bro don't give up hope.I cant wait go back in person lah. For one earnings will jump. Likely double or more what I am earning now. Also see people can see smiling or not. Easier to be careful how to say things what to say when to say.
You not her patient right?This part i agree but bro don't give up hope.
I have been on phone with a gentle sweet doctor in the past few days. She also made me feel like marrying her, so kind, so helpful and loving.
bro,This year, i didn't stock up but i did buy another chest freezer
I recommend you do that too.
Fridge's chilling compartment cannot store food for a long time but freezer compartment can.
Those canned sardines or fresh sardines?sardines better for our age.
Similar proteins like abalone
more DHAs for my aging brain cells
Omega-3 is good to slowdown hair loss too.
Is your uncle going to pak zam?KNN still boils down to same issue that Influenza doesn't seem to infect as quickly as covid KNN also sg icu rarelee have patient with Influenza when there wasn't any lockdown done for it KNN
Thanks for asking KNN my uncle pak liao and also leeported in pak zam thread KNNIs your uncle going to pak zam?
KNN my uncle 1st jab only sore arm nothing much 2nd jab sore arm + extreme tireness + fever + body ache + excessive sweating KNN 痛苦 KNN