there's no such animal as a "moderate" mooselim. anyone who believes such an animal exists is a moron. deep in their beliefs they still swear their allegiance to their religion first. they may appear modern, moderate and mainstream, but in their closets they smirk at non-mooselim victims getting shot and cheer at terrorist bombs going off. sleeper pretenders, all of them. smile at you in front, and stab you in the back when you least expect it. never in history has the internet and web freedom offer so much radicalization opportunities for these so called "moderate" mooselims. it's like wine that can quickly turn to vinegar with sunlight and heat. i have personally witness mooselim colleagues with phd's, recognition and wealth who are happily married with children and live the american dream becum radicalized overnight. suddenly, they show up to work with white cap and false smiles. once full of chatter, now silent and seclusive. and the beard grows longer. reminds me of the invasion of the body snatchers.