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Guess the race. Daughter's bf asked her for sex.


She gave birth to her daughter when she was 19 years old. She's 38 now and her daughter is 19.


She gave birth to her daughter when she was 19 years old. She's 38 now and her daughter is 19.
Her mother must be damn hot.
Or else how you explain the boy looking for sex with a 38 year old, instead of the 19 year old girl.

syed putra

That is wat happen when the stop at 2 ended n the trailer park trash start to breed...n the next generation becomes more fuck up
They were expelled by PAP from their kampung land for hdb's. Like how israel seizing and expelling pslestinians from current west bank to build more settlements and bring in even more jews,


New Member
confirmed pork eater slanty

busy spreading chink virus
wuhan virus
avian flu
pig flu
monkey brain flu
busy consuming tiger penis bull testicles horse penis shark fin octopus monkey brain snake soup spreading bat sh*t diseases
