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Serious Guess Race Of Sailors Who Crashed Sinkie Merchantman Ship 'Dali' Into Yankee Bridge!!


Yes. They are not natural seafarers. They're afraid of water. How many Indians do you know of that can swim?
But their inclination to forgery and taking shortcuts are evident to those who have worked with them.
And then convolute their lies when caught.
sounds like every ah neh I have met in every continent. The original kia si, kia su, kiam siap, kiam pak and Kum lan cheebais. And fuck their sordid lack of hygiene and big mouths


Once there was A Big Shot sir say, Talents are cheaper . Better and Faster, and 70% ah fok strongly agree not too long ago?


They crash Intel and cause it to be behind AMD.

Also SIA flight that went 1200m free fall causing AmDK injuries likely also is ceca pilot.