He also added that, according to police procedures, commanders should not be involved in the heat of action and lose focus of command and control.
Dac Lu sure tulan in this matter.. He will hentak kaki and all his high hopes of one day being the next CP getting slimmer and slimmer..
Its a case of damned if he does damned if he doesn't..
MHA will kick him out to be Director of Prison for his next top job..
Dir prisons? No chance. Best bet DD prisons. Dir prisons is a scholars' posting. Think Chua Chin Kiat, Ng Joo Hee and Soh Wai Wah. Non scholar zero chance becoming CP. Need OMS.
Commissioner of police big fuck? Scholar big fuck?
Marry into the right family and you'll be the Home Affairs minister.
Even when stripped of your portfolio, you can still shake leg do nothing and enjoy a fat salary in the PMO.
Commander Lu claims that there are 150 rioters. So how many got caught? Less than50. Meaning more than 100 go scot free
The issue is not the delay activation of soc but rather the inaction of the officers on the ground in the interim period when vehicles were overturned and burnt. The grd cmdr did nothing and receive no order from higher command to do anything. Then come coi and with advantage of hindsight everybody felt that he should have done something. Were his superior having the same thought as the coi at that moment or were they equally lost? If at the time when vehicles were burnt and they do share the same thought as the coi, they should have ordered him to gather his men and repel the crowd. Otherwise, it appears that the responsibility of acting correctly stop at the grd cmdr.
Just curious why Dog Unit wasnt activated? This was an incident for the dogs to show up and do some biting.
From the way the coi proceeds, they seems to have identified the scapegoat. He will shoulder all the blames although many others above him are equally responsible. If your ground commander can't act and is lost, the next in command should direct him instead of waiting for him to do something. Who is next in command for operation of such scale? D Op? So if this chap also no action, I thought the commissioner himself should intervene. Or are they thinking that they are too high or too big to take over command because the sop stated so.
All this is fucking bullshit. He claims he only had 8 men with him and there were 150 rioters against them. Like what the fuck, were all the police unarmed? What are their Taurus for? He already admitted that he and his men were pelted by projectiles (obviously intended to injure or kill him), police cars and ambulances were burning, officers were injured, etc. AT WHAT POINT DO YOU DRAW YOUR WEAPON AND SHOOT THESE RIOTING MOTHERFUCKERS? I guarantee you that if all the police officers drew their weapons and started shooting the ones throwing the projectiles and burning the cars, the riot will stop immediately. Why? Because the ones doing the rioting will be on the ground dead or bleeding to death. I don't understand why the COI dances around the issue of the use of weapons.
Dir prisons? No chance. Best bet DD prisons. Dir prisons is a scholars' posting. Think Chua Chin Kiat, Ng Joo Hee and Soh Wai Wah. Non scholar zero chance becoming CP. Need OMS.
I pity DAC Lu...He has been made a SCAPEGOAT of the PAP's FT policy ....![]()
I think they are trying to limit the damage. The whole situation was allowed to escalate to a riot all because of a single wrong decision i.e. to "hold ground". Everything else above the grd cmdr level is great and fine, especially their quick decision in ordering the grd troop to exercise restraint. It couldn't be better.?.... I don't understand why the COI dances around the issue of the use of weapons.
CCK was a SAFOS, at 1SIR, then transferred to SPF around the same time as KBH.
NJH was SPFOS, so is SWW.
I agree with you that if the individual is not an OMS or SPFOS, there is a very slim chance that he will be promoted to be Director od Prisons, or to be Commissioner of SPF.