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Greedy Food Hawkers defy gravity!!!


Hawker food prices go up but never come down!!!

<TABLE id=msgUN cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD id=msgUNsubj vAlign=top>Coffee Shop Talk - It's suppliers who are raising prices </TD><TD id=msgunetc noWrap align=right>
Subscribe </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=msgtable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="96%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=msg vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgbfr1 width="1%"></TD><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgF noWrap align=right width="1%">From: </TD><TD class=msgFname noWrap width="68%">BadNews0 <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgDate noWrap align=right width="30%">7:18 am </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT noWrap align=right width="1%" height=20>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname noWrap width="68%">ALL <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right>(1 of 1) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%" rowSpan=4></TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>14424.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>HAWKERS SAY
It's suppliers who are raising prices
# Food prices have dropped, but the price of hawker food is still up. Why? We speak to hawkers, suppliers and consumers
# They say prices of rice, flour and fish have gone up
November 26, 2008 Print Ready Email Article
IT was not so long ago that your hawker started charging you 20 cents more for your chicken rice, or started shrinking your bowl of mee pok.
Click to see larger image
Food prices were at record-breaking levels then because your hawker said he couldn't make a decent living by still charging you $2 for a plate of chicken rice or giving you the same amount of mee pok for the same price.
Does that excuse still hold today, with global food prices dropping in recent months? (See report on facing page.)
Is it about time for a price correction?
In a New Paper poll of 30 food stallholders at Lau Pa Sat, Newton Food Centre and Toa Payoh Hub, none said they would cut prices - even though 33 per cent admitted to increasing their cooked-food prices when food prices were high. (See poll results on facing page.)
Most blamed it on suppliers, claiming that they have not reduced their prices.
There were stallholders who also claimed that some suppliers have even raised prices.
However, suppliers that we spoke to said they have lowered prices or are planning to. (See report at right.)
Mr Shaikh Sujandain, 32, who runs a vegetarian food stall at Lau Pa Sat, said: 'Suppliers have raised the prices of rice and flour by two times.'
Mr Yio Ging, 49, who sells fish dishes at Newton Hawker Centre, agreed. 'The fish supplier has increased prices from $11 per kg to $11.50.'
And Mr Ananda Rao, 46, who sells vegetarian food, said his suppliers have raised the prices of oil and rice by 80 cents in the last six months.
Other costs up
Some stallholders said that even though food supply prices have been dropping, other overheads such as rental costs have been going up.
Madam Rosnah, 49, who sells Muslim food, said: 'Rent only goes up, but not down.'
But are consumers convinced that cooked-food prices should not be cut?
The Government released figures for the consumer price index yesterday.
Food prices rose 7.8 per cent last month over the same period last year, down from an 8.2 per cent rise in September.
So, inflation of food prices may have gone down, but consumers want prices cut further.
Of 30 people we spoke to, almost half felt that it was time hawkers reduce their prices.
Housewife Low Lan Foon, 52, said: 'Prices should be lowered. I feel that hawkers have increased their prices by a lot and they have given customers much less.'
Madam Gloria Yap, 70, a retiree, agreed.
'Hawkers increased their prices when food prices went up, so now that food prices have fallen, they should reduce their prices.'
The Consumers Association of Singapore (Case), too, has urged food operators to reduce their prices now.
Its spokesman said in an e-mail reply to The New Paper: 'Consumers would certainly expect food operators to reduce prices now in view of the falling input prices such as oil, rice and even transport costs.'
Case said it has received 15 complaints about food operators profiteering or overcharging.
But some consumers were sympathetic towards the hawkers.
Mr Sebastian Lee, 47, a manager, said: 'They have to make a living too.'



Alfrescian (Inf)
I have been eating out lesser and will not patronise hawker selling anything beyond $2.50 per meal.


the other day I was shocked that a cup of kopi at funanc centre food court is $1.60. that food court can fuck spider for the rest of its life. I will not eat or drink there again even if they give kopi out free. this is daylight robbery.


the other day I was shocked that a cup of kopi at funanc centre food court is $1.60. that food court can fuck spider for the rest of its life. I will not eat or drink there again even if they give kopi out free. this is daylight robbery.

These greedy hawkers are what we call "fishing in troubled waters!!"
Their children will be born without backsides, that's what one of the uncles at HDB void deck told me. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
the other day I was shocked that a cup of kopi at funanc centre food court is $1.60. that food court can fuck spider for the rest of its life. I will not eat or drink there again even if they give kopi out free. this is daylight robbery.

There is a "run down" coffee shop right in the middle of china town (Pagoda Street?) where Ang Mo used to drink beer. Check out their Teh O and Kopi O, you will be shocked to your life that the price, on normal coffee or tea, is on par with Coffee Bean or Starbuck. Don't forget their normal dried Wan Tan noodle cost SGD6.00 (at least!) per small plate. This one must blacklist because is daylight robbery, whereas another stall selling similar item across the street at Temple Street is the normal price like those found in heartland coffeeshop.

War Criminal

I hate Lau pat sat and Newton food center. Ate there for the first time and everything is over priced and taste average. Lau pa sat - Satay for 60 cents a stick! never heard of before.

Newton food center - Banana milk shake for $3! Which one is worse?

First time tried it because 'famous' now learnt my lesson. Will never patronise both places again. The hawkers also are not very friendly at Newton.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
the standard of most hawker food has gone down to the longkang but the price remains high! knn! simple hawker food also so sub-standard!!! shitman! where have all the good hawkers gone??? all short cuts and bloody no standard hawker food! shithole now!


I guess nobody forcing anyone to patronise the hawkers. If you find too expensive or not delicious to eat, then don't go. I guess it is a simple case of demand and supply.


A portion of the price we paid for food at hawker centre goes to the rental. All thanks to the white scum for upgrading the place till older hawkers cannot take it. Then new hawkers with half past six culinary skills sold the food with higher price.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
singapore going down...even the good hawker food fare is going down longkang...knn! what's wrong with this farting place?...did you notice this: new upgraded hawker centres, food-courts and kopitiams, somehow the food standard dropped like shit and the price went up like shit too!!!

the same food sold by the same hawkers but at different locations stink to heaven!!! all the good food stalls in the old tiong bahru market standard drop like shit in the new premises. same as laupasat and same as maxwell...the only place that can still boast of good hawker fare is honglimcomplex...agree or not?


singapore going down...even the good hawker food fare is going down longkang...knn! what's wrong with this farting place?...did you notice this: new upgraded hawker centres, food-courts and kopitiams, somehow the food standard dropped like shit and the price went up like shit too!!!

Rental from the Hawker Centre is a part of white scum tax coffer. It had to increase to show the economy is "growing". Whether like it or not, it goes up and up.

But everyone has a "value" in mind. Probably next time when price is $4 and portion of food is still like today, consumer will give up eating out at lunch and pack their own lunch. Then realised that what they being eating mixed vegatable rice at $2.50 actucally cost them 50c or lesser.


It's the rental that is killing, increment of 30%-100% is common. Who are the landlords? Who are the ones pushing up the rent to keep trying?

Of course we can say if it is too high, why sign the lease? But what happen when everywhere you go, they are asking for the same kind of ridiculous rate? And when you recce the unit, it is like a ghost town.

Too many people can't wait, some of them believe the leasing exec which is equivalent to the RM of the bank. After they start their business, they realise things are really bad, whatever they earn is not even enough to pay rent, they cant quit because of 3 month security deposits, they try hang on but after 3-6 months they give up, losing the 3 month is better then paying rent for the rest of the contract. Then the next victim took over, and the cycle repeat.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
my downstairs coffee shop has been changing hands non stop. the only stall that survies is the chapchay stall - two dollars with three dishes.long queues. even that also close shop! what sort of business is this? keep on closing shops!!!!


To only way to stop this sheer profiteering is to stop eating out altogether & smear the name of errant hawkers to all friends, relatives & associates.
This way the blardy hawkers will have to lower their prices instead of blaming the suppliers. In fact the blardy hawkers should take the issue with the landlords (rental increase) & suppliers (material increase), instead of passing the costs down to end users.
The blardy hawkers are finding the easy way out. For one, Ive stopped patronising Food Republic in Vivocity. May their business suffer losses year after year after year.


I hate Lau pat sat and Newton food center. Ate there for the first time and everything is over priced and taste average. Lau pa sat - Satay for 60 cents a stick! never heard of before.

Newton food center - Banana milk shake for $3! Which one is worse?

First time tried it because 'famous' now learnt my lesson. Will never patronise both places again. The hawkers also are not very friendly at Newton.

Both the prices you mentioned sound quite ok, dunno why you make so much noise.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
singaporeans are wimps. bosses increase rentals.they kwai kwai accept and pass the rentals to the consumers or cheat them by giving them inferior food and ingredients.

they should behave like the thais! increase rentals...boycott or smash up the food court like the china nationals or the hongkees or the taiwaneses...when will singaporeans stand up for their rightful causes? when? maybe just around the corner when the pockets are empty and when the stomachs are hungry and when the savings are zero.


the other day I was shocked that a cup of kopi at funanc centre food court is $1.60. that food court can fuck spider for the rest of its life. I will not eat or drink there again even if they give kopi out free. this is daylight robbery.
They will never give kopi out free.


To only way to stop this sheer profiteering is to stop eating out altogether & smear the name of errant hawkers to all friends, relatives & associates.
This way the blardy hawkers will have to lower their prices instead of blaming the suppliers. In fact the blardy hawkers should take the issue with the landlords (rental increase) & suppliers (material increase), instead of passing the costs down to end users.
The blardy hawkers are finding the easy way out. For one, Ive stopped patronising Food Republic in Vivocity. May their business suffer losses year after year after year.
I have never even been to vivocity! :smile:


the other day I was shocked that a cup of kopi at funanc centre food court is $1.60. that food court can fuck spider for the rest of its life. I will not eat or drink there again even if they give kopi out free. this is daylight robbery.

$1.60 at Funan foodcourt is still reasonable since coffeshop at Admiralty multi-storey carpark is already charging $1.