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Chitchat Great News! Jiuhu Kias will be back in Sinkieland! Huat ah!


No NSF males back to steal jobs reserved for NSF males.... abolish NSF unfair law against local males....

No NSF age 18 y.o male Jiuhu kia will be a zero to heroes to Superstar IT workers in 2 years whereas local boys will waste 2 years in NSF and lose 2 years chances to become zero to heroes to Superstar IT workers....

All jobs are web based technologies and no break after completed school and courses.... straight go into industries to gain work experience to be from zero to hero to Superstar IT workers....

bastard PAP to resign...
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Scrooball (clone)

The 3 idiot stooges allowing the floodgates to open eh.... does 2000+ cases per day sound 'stable'?


S'pore reports 2,470 new Covid-19 cases; weekly infection growth rate at 0.84​

SINGAPORE - There were 2,470 new Covid-19 infections reported on Monday (Nov 8), down from 2,553 the day before, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in its daily report.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually, many of the jiuhu kias and jiuhu bus are already in Sinkieland. Chances are you will see many of the homesick ones balik kampung. Expect an exodus.